I got the whole enemy team auto tagged at least twice from my memory, but not sure how it happened tho. (didnt get too kill many cos i was noob back then lol)
Anyway it just happen to me ~30mins ago in lighthouse and i was recording. We just started the game and one dude got auto tagged ~10secs after the game started, he died shortly after and no one else got tagged after that, so it didnt last long.
I'm not sure how this dude got auto tagged:
1. somehow he got auto tagged and maybe everyone in my team saw him tagged.. i was kinda tripping about the whole thing so i didnt ask anyone at the time.
2. maybe someone in my team tagged him and somehow(?) i could see him tagged too. (but this wouldn't apply to those two occasions when i saw the whole team auto tagged)
Has this happen to anyone else? i'll probably upload the video later.