Post » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:48 am

What in the heck is wrong with you guys. Are you heartbroken that your game didn't sell well and have decided to give up on it? Too bad!! You're a video game company paired with the biggest game publisher in the industry, so you are expected to fan out support.

Today, I reached rank 45, and unlocked my final weapon, just to see the achievement not pop. I do not know why I continue to play a game that is shown no support, and is provided no response to the posts in their forums. The people who made an account for gamesas are your loyal fans, and you continue to blow them off. I have spent nearly 3 days worth of time trying to get every achievement...just to see that it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO. And...that's not the only achievement to be broken. Seriously? Get it together.

Along with my EXTREME ANGER at not being able to get an achievement, you refuse to do map rotation. People spent money on your maps, so take the profits and use them to allow map rotation.

I have never been so disappointed and ashamed to support a company that doesn't support it's supporters. I speak for everyone when we say we're not buying Crysis 3 if there is one. I have actually talked friends out of buying Crysis 2 due to all the glitches. I'm am extremely angry and don't know how to express it. I'm expecting this thread to be locked due to the fact that you're tired of hearing about it, but if you're tired of hearing about it then SHOW US SOME SUPPORT!!!!!!
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Jeff Tingler
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