Your suit has a new mode : "Stasis." When engaged ( "STASIS ENGAGED"

Now, your energy meter changes color and displays the decreasing amount of reserve life-support energy you have left, starting out at 100%. The only thing you *can* do is slowly move your head/view but that causes an increased energy drain on your reserve power. In this state, only one or two bullets will kill you. Also, if your reserve power drops to zero you die. So, there is a limited time you can stay in stasis.
When you re-enable main suit power and come out of stasis your reserve power meter starts climbing, your suit systems start to come back on-line on-by-one depending on the power level and you stand up. At this stage can move but if you do it will start to drain your reserve power again and the speed of movement is very slow and proportional to the reserve power level. Once reserve power reaches 100% you are fully out of stasis and your suit energy begins to recharge.
With the above system a new and interesting element is introduced that enhances gameplay instead of detracting from it like a traditional feign death system would. In the traditional system you could immediately jump up and kill someone.
Also, there could be suit modules and upgrades related to the stasis system, such as decreases stasis energy/power drain etc.
What are your thoughts?
