Lets try and get along. Let's end this stupidity and move past these petty p1ssing contests. I realize that I'm not completely innocent here, so for that sorry. I'll keep this short, because I said and wrote too much here recently. We are the bad apples in our clans, every clan has a few...it's all part of competition as Widda said to me last night. In the end it's just human nature. There are different personality types in each clan. We "alphas" are doing a really bad job of representing our clans. I'm ashamed of my conduct here. I'm ashamed to be thought of as a "leader" of NFCT. I don't deserve that title. The fact is this: the majority of HoG, NFCT, and FOOT are "good guys." I played with some from both clans last night, and in the past, and that much is clear to me now. But some of us need to stop speaking for them, or associating them with our stupidity here on gamesas.
Sincerely, Mike.