Any of you guys up for some little friendlies?
There is a template below you can copy and paste to make this easier
Copy & Paste and info the info below in your post
Clan Name:
Clan Leader: (Anyone else we can contact by Gamertag)
Clan Region:
Server Region:
Clan Website:
Clan Activity: (Rare/Regular/Frequent)
Clan Level: (Casual/Med/hardcoe)
Preferred Maps/Modes/Rules:
Misco:(Anything else you want to add?)
Here's mine for example
Clan Name: SiTH (you know who we are)
Clan Leader: SiTH WaR_SPiRiT
Clan Region: International
Server Region: USA NYC (Internationally good pings)
Clan Website: (anyone can register, there is a clanwar section)
Clan Activity: Frequent (there are ~20 SiTH Members someone is always on)
Clan Level: hardcoe/Casual
Preferred Maps/Modes/Rules: All Maps, All Modes, Non-ESL
Misco: We're looking for more funwars to play, and I mean not just 1 and that's it, we should have funwars with the same clans multiple times, for practice and team enjoyment.
Guys I ask you to be respectful on this thread, your representing your clan here so show some respect for your fellow crysis players.
See you online