Infinite Sensation eSport.
We are looking for mature members that searching / searched for an Swedish gaming community. We play all sorts of games, Everything from FPS to RTS to RPGS.
The average age is between 21 - 32.
Who are we?
A bunch of nice guys who have a common interest to play games a bit in the evenings. We have been together since September 2011. So we are quite new.
What do we do?
We play public every evening and just have alot of fun. And we are just ready to take on Clanbase and start the war against our international friends.
Guidelines and application?
To join our community, you need a headset, TS3.
You must be 18 or older.
Be active.
If I'm not 18?
You are more than welcome to play''with''us. Our Teamspeak is open to anyone who wants to play some public and just have a fun time.
How do I contact you?
First of all, through our website. The link at the bottom of this post. Otherwise you can find us on Facebook under Infinite Sensation Gaming.
Best regards from us.