its horrible, last 30-60mins in moscow team server there was a speed hacker. so like 5 times a startet votekicks. one time, just 1, yes one mother***ing vote missed to kick him. i cant understand ppl, i forgot the name of one player, he and me, we typing in F2 chat what the cheat is.and in BIG LETTERS. lets accept that in one round not everyone believes someone is cheating, cause teammeights of chetaer maybe dont see it, but in the next few rounds, after mixin teams new, should be enough. nooooooooooooooooooooo, at last 1 damn vote missed.
i wonder, how can existing so many stupid mother***ing noobs, to press just f***ing 1 key. the votekick has been started, you just need press 1 key only 1time F1. i press often the F1, because i want to be sure my vote is counted.
7 votes needed, and if im not wrong, if there are too less paylers, then u need less votes?
i mean, that should down to 5 needed votes. dont no a better solution. so often i see votekicks in progress but very very less done.
what should i say...