I'm mainly interested in air stomp kills, 1:1 ratio. I kill you once and you kill me once, etc.
But i might also work on "flash related kills" or "L337" if things go smoothly.
We can kill each other like 5 times at a time so i can also work on "back in the game".
List of wat i need:
air stomp: 78 (i'll proably throw m34 flash to you then do the air stomp)
back in the game: 35
m34 flash related kills: ~50+50
slide kill: ~50
L337(heatshot Deflextion): ~50
If we can get 4 players(me + 3 others) then we can go to an empty server on works on pairs.
Each pair just kill each other and don't get involved with the other pair.
Or we can bring a friend each along to start the game on empty server then they can leave, but i think 4 people(2 pairs) probably work better cos we can also kick people easier etc..
Reply here(maybe also post the usual time you are on, roughly many kills you wanna swap) and i'll add ya to Friend in Crysis 2.
p.s. you can kill me any method you like, but just make it quick so we dont waste time doing this bs.
p.p.s. i know i cant get "its all over dog tag" but i still want all the ones i can get.. lol
p.p.p.s. i know i started heaps of threads here(mainly bout cheaters) lol, so i wont start another one for a while hehe