By the way, why did they choose to take out the prone function? The game has huge replay ability in the sense that I always want to put it in the system, but then I'm reminded once I play for a while that it's not really that fun because of these hindrances. There'll never be a time when I get over this. I understand that Crytek has gone on to work on other things, but it would be nice if they could just fix the problems. It's almost sad to think of how great this game could be without the problems.
If Crytek/EA really wants others and my own confidence in them, they would fix this. When I hear about them using the CryEngine on other titles, I'm cautiously optimistic when it comes to console versions of a game, when no one has to be. Everyone should be excited about it, 'cause I know Crytek is a fantastic company and I'm sure I'll always respect them, but as a fan, I'm disappointed they haven't listened to us. Until then, I'm keeping the game out of my 360.