I know its to late to change much in crysis2.
Im not pro at crysis but im defo not bad and i know alot of people disagree with me.
Short history
My multiplayer FPS history is Outlaws,Quake1-2-3(live),Unreal1-2,Battlefield,CS beta to 1.6,very little cs:s-ucks
I will start with what i think is good in crysis.
The suit is the best point of the whole game, gives you options and helps you feel more free the world isnt in your way. I also think stealthmode gives the people who tend to camp more balls to walk around and enjoy the world also.
Crytek also know its good, you can tell from all the Maximum armor/strengt/cloak/speed trailers/clips

Different weapons with diffent styles and situations, its a must for any shooters.
I like the perks and mods, even tho they do give the problem of balancing 1 perk with all the others.
Graphics: Its always been Crytek strong side and takes most games a year to even catch up, even tho i dont feel i need it to be as good as it is its still nice. Since its one of your strong sides you can cut it some slack imo and focus alittle on weaknesses.
Killcam was new to me even tho on lagging servers its messed up still gives you a chance to see why you died and improve what you might have messed up. Abit like replay anolyze in games like starcraft2.
(and yes ive never played CoD and dont plan on battlefield 3 cause of their realism bull**** was a huge turnoff)
Bad/not so good things
Now Graphic effects is your strong side I feel it can be toned down in multiplayer.
Sun effect i feel have no place in multiplayer the way eyes have to adjust, i know it might seem more real its still an unnecessary tease and can slow u down and amazing how an advance suit cant beat a pair of sunglasses for 2$, even tho its just a second people shouldnt be running around in multiplayer thinking about the weather girls forcast, search and destroy and have fun.
Now sun isnt the only effect but its the worst of them, is alittle when sliding and looking into orbital beams and stuff like that.
Effects shouldnt be slowing you down....You should slow you down (flashbang allowed ^^)
Damage to high or hitpoint to low?
Everyone can get lucky but the more time they have to get lucky in a row the more skill steps over luck.
Also Melee should be humiliations or for desporation cause you just fired your last shot.
FPS doesnt stand for Fists per second.
Spray and pray vs calm people with bursts
The gap feels to small atm.
Armor mode?
Never understod why people in armor mode should glow and on the screen they should have hexagons.
Also the sounds change.
Stealthmode has zero penaltys beside extra dam taken but armor mod has slow moving.
Armor would be better imo if it changed your skin like stealth does and not your screen.
I would reduce rocket/c4 damage cause its controlled explosion.
Grenade i would give a permanent time from throwing it but keep damage high.
I thing ther are so many things in crysis doing different sounds that arent really needed
Some perks annoy the hell out of me purely cause of the sound effect.
Maximum radar....DUUURRRRN DUUUUURRN....dude i can tell on my radar the effect is active. else just highlight my radar.
Almost sounds like Jaws is coming for me.
Things im not so sure what to think about
Nanovision: now i played alittle alien versus predator and it surve abit the same thing.
But is it really needed guess we can all agree the world thru nanovision is b*tt ugly

So dont know if i would remove it or not i never really felt any need to use it, i kinda enjoy the looking for stealth in normal mode.
Weapon aiming: im a big fan of just having weapon down in the corner and not up in my nose.
It is harder to have to take up your weapon and aim but i think we could see some pretty cool kills without it. But i know that problem is me cause its the same reason i never pick sniping weapons me and scopes are not good friends.
So if you plan on crysis3 just a few points to consider.
I think its the type of game e-sports is looking for Quake3 is getting old and cs:go just seem to be the cs:s people who barely learn a single thing.
Fast paste unrealistic games <3
Cheaters might have been a problem in crysis 2 but i still think if you make a multiplayer game good enough the community will beat em and the pure enjoyment of the game will overcome their harrasment.
Good luck in the future.
P.S i know ther will be typos since my english aint so good