Whats your favorite thing of Crysis and Crysis 2?

Post » Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:20 am


Feel free to share your favorite things pleas.

My favorite thing of Crysis:

The FarCry feeling of it, even if you not really in a sandbox it gives you this "I'm 100% free feeling". Also i like the tactical approach of the game in the jungle. I also like the variety of enemies, the way the Koreans and the Aliens fight is really different, and so is the tactic you must use with them.

Has a whole I like the variety of enemies and the jungle stile combat and the sandbox illusion it has.

Crysis 2:

The epic scenes the game has is one of my favorite. I love the way it change in matter of ambient respecting to the prequel, and not because i think is better but because is different, making both games be the same but on the same time different, which i think is the best of a sequel. I like the tactical approach of this one too, different than crysis approach but has good has this one, the variety of ways to approach a situation is one of my favorite, due to the building, destroy streets etc. The movements are very good on this game(when you jump etc).

From both, i like the freedom they have to approach enemies(thanks to the nanosuit). And the Nanosuit of course, which is the heart of Crysis franchise.

Waiting from other opinions, and pleas remember this is not a post to speak of any bugs or glitches or which is better.

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Post » Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:16 pm

Crysis= Tree cutting

Crysis 2= Cinematic experience
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Alexandra Ryan
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