To Drive Back The Invasion!

Post » Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:51 am

For a long time now, we've coped with hackers ruining the games we pay for and enjoy. Now, hackers invade Crysis 2, dropping our K:D ratios like a bad habit. A lot of us, we simply leave the server, or initiate a ban request, hoping that the hackers will leave Crysis 2 eventually. To wear them out with time. Others hope that Crytek or EA will release a patch to drive back the invasion. The very few of us can capture hackers on video, and complain about them on Youtube.
Has anyone actually tried to drive back the invasion themselves?

I can name at least 7 who are trying!


A regard you amongst the highest in the Crysis 2 Community

>And Myself

We are the Operation "Fly Swatter" Team, and we are currently developing a Patch for Crysis 2 MP Servers, that will allow the Server to determine whether a player is a hacker or not, and if so, kick and ban the hacker.

Below is an FAQ on the Patch.

Q>Is the Patch a Crytek or EA Project?
A>No, the Patch is NOT a Crytek or EA Project, but is a Community Project.

Q>Is the Patch mandatory for all Crysis 2 Server Admins?
A>No, the use of the Patch is completely voluntary.

Q>Will the Patch increase Server Load?
A>Yes, the Patch will slightly increase server load, however no dramatic CPU, RAM, or Hard-Disk usages should occur.

Q>When is the Patch scheduled for completion.
A>It is difficult to say. Currently, the Op "Fly Swatter" Team are in the middle stages of development.

Q>Can I help in any way?
A>Yes, you can assist the Op "Fly Swatter" Team by posting a hacker's Username, and any other information such as an IP, Ping, Or Clan Name in the Operation "Fly Swatter" Post.

Q>Will the Patch look inside my computer? How does it work?
A>No, the Patch will have NO access to your computer. The Patch works in a simple way. When a Player, Bob, logs into the Crysis 2 MP, his computer sends a file to the Servers. This file contains his Username, how Fast He Can Run, How High He Can Jump, How Much Energy He Has, How Much Armor He Has, which Dog Tags he has unlocked, which Weapons he has unlocked, and etc. The Patch will allow the Server to take a look at this file, and determines whether the player is a hacker or not by comparing his abilities to a normal player's. If it exceeds these, the player will be kicked and banned upon playing from that Server. The Patch will also allow the Server to refer to a Blacklist of known hackers, and a Whitelist of legit players who may be mistaken for hackers.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
Posts: 3423
Joined: Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:24 pm

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