
Post » Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:40 am

Congratulations ctsg22 you are the 200th person to get banned on my servers.

What is your prize? Getting banned from 14 servers in one fell swoop. Quite and accomplishment.
Even better is the ban is now permanent, not just 60 minutes.

11:57:55> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '88607842'
<11:57:55> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<11:57:55> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '20.000000'
<11:58:39> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '88651989'
<11:58:39> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<11:58:39> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '40.000000'
<11:58:43> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '88655100'
<11:58:43> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<11:58:43> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '60.000000'
<11:59:53> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '88725202'
<11:59:53> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<11:59:53> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '80.000000'
<11:59:56> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '88729024'
<11:59:56> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<11:59:56> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '100.000000'
<11:59:56> Player 'ctsg22', guid '16D6A3F3': Player has been banned for 60.000000 minutes, reason: too many infractions
<12:00:52> Cheat record for player with guid '16D6A3F3':
<12:00:52> type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak', infractions '5', cumulative severity '100.000000'
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Hussnein Amin
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Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:15 am

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