From a long time ago and i see even now, the "connection" reason will always be the response from whoever had lost. I have heard it from many people all over the world. I recently heard SaintJason dashboarded during a game because he was not happy he was 7-2. And i have been in a party and squad recently where he dashboarded and "EPYON" said "Did you just dashboard Jason?" No disrespect here Epyon as you know me, but i would like to say....You always say Noobified used to dashboard a thousand years ago and so he gets no respect but you currently play with a person you know for a fact dashboards, even when in your party and squad but gets your respect. i do not understand that. maybe because he is your friend and that outweighs the dashboarding issue?
i have never dashboarded. i think everybody should just deal with all the issues IF you plan to be a dedicated player. We all play with lag all too often, the same 3 or 4 maps recycled over and over, and most of the time the same 94 people with or against one another. but then to dashboard on what you think is a bull crap game? thats hilarious. you should just remain on the dashboard and not play crysis 2 at all if you know what you're already getting into!
How can one look at ones stats and be fully impressed with the numbers when you know it SHOULD look different?
As for the Fear clan, i know a couple of them and they play very well and are respectful, at least to me.
Its the same old crap guys, same maps recycled, migration every other game, praying for host for obvious reasons, random friend requests and often times negative messages. I have noticed for a while that when there are 3 or 4 of us dedicated players in the same lobby it only lasts about 2 games max until 1 or 2 of us leaves. i believe most of us don't like the challenge as much as we used to and would rather beat up on the noobs. clans are disappearing and/or never play together anymore and everybody tends to fly solo more these days.
this is a friendly heads up message, i heard MurdabyDaCatalogs or whatever his name tried to reset a FOOT clan members stats by inviting him into a private match and than left real quick. and recently some of my friends have been getting random invites from him, one was a private match so just use caution.
With all of this, its still a fun game to play for me, even against the people who can't live without Aim Enhance for some reason but more especially for being in the top 5 in XP (legitwise) and being in the top 10 for WINS.