First match of the Night:
[NFCT] xGoblinGamblerx and [NFCT] Mr M1keNiFiCenT begin the Cryday festivities. We lobby up, and are instantly thrown into a match. The Score is irreparably lopsided. I try to understand why. I see for the first time [G0LD] TheAvengerJoe13 and yet another Fear clan dude. These two were raping our randoms hard, and we tried our best to slow things down, but the match was determined long before we entered. I think TheAvengerJoe finished like 36-3 or something retarded like that. I figured this was going to be a good night, because NFCT loves the competition. What followed was quite humorous:
So I sent TAJ13 a message that read:
Me: "Stay"
His Reply: Who are you?
Me: "God"
His Reply: Funny

The very next Match we caused the Fear guy to back out quickly, and we won like 75-50 in dominating fashion. TheAvengerJoe13 was retired, as Mr M1keNiFiCenT took MVP honors with a 36 kill streak. Though we owe the victory to Goblin, as he dictated that I stop Sniping and provide him some backup, as those guys were running through our randoms. What do mean by retired? Oh...simply that TAJ13 went on to play Skyrim for the night. NFCT strikes again!
Shortly After that I partied up with my friends Murda and Corroded, and we played some nice competitive games. We all seemed to notice that Murda has changed his playstyle, in that he chooses C4 now first and foremost against good players. I always say, that is a crutch and a sign of being outmatched. And it's also a very great compliment too, because it means we have left you with no other recourse but to spam the hell out of the C4 trigger (long after you've been killed) to get some nice cheap kills. So thank you Murda. That means a lot coming from such a high caliber player!
Murda apparently got too excited and sent me a Message:
"NFCT vs Me, Noob, and Lent. 3 vs 3?
I replied:
"Funny." Maybe next Friday.
Then I went to pour some Black Label and play some BattleField 3 with the clan. Good times, good times.
Well I hope yall enjoyed this week's Cryday recap. I love you all. Muwahxoxoxoxooxoxoxox