omg jdb wtf is wrong with u? u rage like a lil puzzy.
What is wrong with you? You talk like a retarded 13 year old. Oh, and once you've launched an ad hominem attack ( if you even know what that is ) you lose the argument.
julijump is a good player he isnt a cheater... its just cuz ur so **** u think other good people are cheating.
More crap-talk from the Scar+Laser wielding bug exploiter. You call me sh*t but your accuracy is a laughable 19.98%. I may have a svcky KDR/SPM/KPM but at least my aim doesn't svck and at least I don't need a clutch like Scar+Laser to give me an advantage because I can't hit the Ocean from the beach.
I was just making an observation. Whatever it is you mean by "rage" I did not do, nor did I accuse anyone.
Please remember to take your Ritalin.
Your the one who posted a rage thread about me just cuz i was using scar + laser. you were also the one who was raging in the match then raged quit.

explain yourself.
Also i dont use scar+laser since recently i use the red dot sight now... and i dont give a **** about my 20% accuracy ( not even that ) bc i just enjoy the game which is what a game should be bought for... not for raging like you do.
p.s. ur accuracy is only 5% higher than mine ... yes its higher but not by much

and ur headshots are less by 15%

Ur mvp is also 5% less and ur K/D is less as well.
Im only posting that stuff since all of a sudden your starting to talk "stats"
Furthermore, you said "POSSIBLE new cheater" gather some **** evidence first before you start accusing because without evidence it will get you no-where.