The real reason why no Crysis 2 patch will come.

Post » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:49 am

Hello everyone, its been a while since ive been here, ive mainly been in BF3, its real fun, and i highly recommend it, but the reason why im here, is to tell you all, a dirty secret, thats been kept from us this whole time.

Grab some popcorn, because here comes the gruesome truth.

So i've been playing alot of BF3 lately, and recently DICE released a patch, but this patch, was absolutely game breaking, as in, the game is highly unplayable to a multitude of factors, but that's not important. The key here, was we needed a hotfix, fast. But sadley, DICE turned its backs on us.(coincidence?) In desperation the BF3 community, (which i must say is much,much bigger than the C2 community was) ran through countless research, and we started posting articles and any tweet post we would find, soon the puzzle pieces started to come together.

In a podcast, interviewing Alan Kertz, the core gameplay designer for BF3, said his team had already looked into the game breaking problems, but were soon jammed into a refractory period by EA, since they had just released a patch days prior. He apologized and said his team would work hard to fix the game "soom"(thats right, soom) meaning EA had to first Approve ANY patch before it ever made it into sunlight. So far, days have passed, BF3 is broken, and DICE remains silent. Sound familiar? So,... the whole (yes the whole) BF3 community is rageing pissed over the fact that DICE is only really allowed to release a patch every 3-4 months, why? EA decides, not DICE, when a patch is to come out.

for quick insight into this matter
I have moar if asked

Now if you've had trouble keeping up so far, a summary of this matter, the company, oh say, Crytek, isnt to blame for delaying these patches, its EA, EA decides if the patch is feasible,.... for profit, not for "fun". OMFG, yes people here is the big shocker! EA only cares about money, hows that so you might say? look at what has been announced, EA is moar penny pinching, dollar hungry that Bank of America and saying something.

Crytek didnt abandon us like we presumed, its still a triple A company that pumps out the best games out there. It was a shame is was burned by a company as greedy as EA, the reason why im only seeing this now is because this same domino effect is occurring to DICE (DICE people! this is the company that laughs into CoD's face and spits!) but no, even this company is having its reputation destroyed by EA.

I was here for the whole "Crytek left us in the rain" deal, its happening again with BF3, its unreal, but the truth is, if EA doesn't see money in any patch, it wont go through. Listen to the Podcast, its truly is sad to hear this from a Dev, but when you want your game to standup, and your parent company says you need permission first, and must remain, seated, progress cannot be accomplished through these means.

GG all, it was fun playing with you in C2, its a shame this same trend is happening with DICE.

and remember, who is really responsible for patches.

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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:57 pm

It's not really EA, it's the fact that stupid companies like Sony and Microsoft charge 30,000$ for a patch, and companies want to make the patch available to all 3 platforms so they have to pay the money to Sony and Microsoft.
And since a game like C2 doesn't have many players nor much incoming profits, paying 30k $ for a patch wouldn't be reasonable for Crytek and EA.
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Post » Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:24 am

Read the links my friend, even if Crytek had the money, watch at the hoops it would had to of jumped through to get approved.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:40 pm

Interesting read, and this is unfortunate for all BF3 players out there. However, let me remind you few things:
- DICE is fully owned by EA, the studio is a part of that company, while Crytek is not. EA is only a publisher in the latter case, Crytek takes part in the EA Partners publishing program, which offers flexible packages suit to each developer's preferences:
Like other EA Partners, such as Harmonix/MTV Games, Carmack stressed that EA Partners deal "isn't really a publishing arrangement. Instead, they really offer a menu of services—Valve takes one set of things, Crytek takes a different set, and we're probably taking a third set"

- Crytek themselves announced they were content with the current state of Crysis 2 (source):
This is the last patch scheduled by Crytek, Tully confirmed.
"But I don't think there's anything we're aware of at the moment we desperately want to fix."
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Craig Martin
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Post » Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:03 pm

Personally I don't believe it would make financial sense for Crytek to release another patch. The only major issue left is Orbital lag and that might not be a simple fix, it could mean writing completely new netcode to handle server synchronisation. To do this for the 500 or so players left playing would be silly.
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:17 pm

Yup, i gave the last patch a couple of days and haven't played since, there's a server update happening this week to fix stinger problem but no mention of the suppression ( blue blurry fields forever).
So yeah, dice screwed up royally, time to move-on, Crysis 2 has some very nice maps now it would seem and warface is already here, dice made their millions off us, feel no regret on turning your back.
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luis dejesus
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