The first Crysis 3 details have appeared online via a Russian website, which claims the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC threequel will release in spring 2013.
The new instalment, which you can see pictured via the snapshot on this page, is said to take place in a heavily destroyed New York which has become "almost a jungle", thus combining the settings of the first and second games.
Crytek's apparently promised to deliver "the best sandbox FPS in the market" - strong words backed up by its earlier comments to CVG that the game looks "stunning".
Earlier today an image of the Crysis 3 box art appeared on EA's Origin store, showing a Nanosuit clad protagonist drawing what looks like a futuristic bow and arrow.
The German developer told CVG last January that it fully intended to make Crysis 3 and that it already had a plan for how the series' story will progress.
Crysis 3 will be officially announced on April 15, it's been said.
Russian website said this screen from upcoming trailer Crysis 3..
can not wait!! =)