"JSD 2vs2 Crash Site Tournament"
Tournament Rules:
Type: 2 vs 2 Double Elimination (Winners and Losers Bracket)
Gamemode: Crash Site
Maps: Prism, Plaza, Apartments
Scoring: Best of 3 Rounds, 10 Minutes Each, No Score Limit
The final will be best of 3 rounds with each round 15 minutes long.
Rules: Friendly Fire On, Dog Tags Disabled, Suit Modules On, Deflection Disabled, No Exploits, Scar Laser Banned, Aim Enhance III Banned, FY71 Banned, All Other Weapons/Modules Allowed.
Additional Server Settings: Choose team on, 60 second lobby time, 60 second pre-match time.
Screenshots of final scores/use of forbidden exploits must be taken as evidence.
All competitors will have access to the Tournament Maps for free, downloaded here: Map Download
Current Prize: 2 Digital Copies of Crysis 3 From Origin!*
Runner up: Cash Prize equal to 50%** of main prize value
Please donate*** for the Prize here: http://www.jointstrikedivision.com/donations
Anyone who donates $20 or more will be entered into a cash prize draw at then end of the tournament! (equal to 10% of final donations).
*Prize only exists if 16 or more teams sign up and if prize donation reaches over $60
Donations will be used to cover the cost of the prize after which it will be used for runner up prizes
**50% is the maximum for second place, prize could be less depending on donations
***Make sure you add a note with your donation stating it is for the 2vs2 Tournament
Please Sign-Up Below (or here) Using the Following Template:
Team KDR:
Team KDR is the KDR of the player with the highest KDR in the team.
You can find your KDR from http://c2stats.com/
Teams don't need to be from the same clan.
Any team failing to attend their match will automatically forfeit.
Sign-Ups CLOSE on the 12th of May 2012.
Bracket will be posted 13/05/12. Tournament Begins 14/05/12.
Group 1 (KDR >1.5):
1. Team-Tag: SiTH
Players: Jodeth, WaR_SPiRiT
Reserve: N/A
Team KDR: 1.86
2. Team-Tag: RaGE
Players: Akymaj, Ultimatecloaker<3
Reserve: N/A
Team KDR: 3.31
3. Team-Tag: CEW
Players: pajak213, yoss40i4
Reserve: N/A
Team KDR: 1.91
4. Team-Tag: fVic
Players: Crazyfist, Blutaar666
Reserve: incep7ion
Team KDR: 2.94
5. Team-Tag: NEXT
Players: ginsuown, n8many
Reserve: N/A
Team KDR: 2.80
Group 2 (KDR<1.5):
1. Team-Tag: SiTH
Players: TheShadoxXx, im2fast4u
Reserve: N/A
Team KDR: 1.40
Group 3 (KDR<1.0):
1. Team-Tag:
Team KDR:
Bracket will be randomised within the 3 groups for the first round, after which the groups will be combined. This will ensure a fair match-up for the first match.
SiTH Server will be available for you to use to play your matches. Password: N/A.
Server admins can PM me for the Server Settings Configs.