I hope they have more weapons/attachments in Crysis 3....

Post » Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:37 pm

I hope they have like 3-4 different snipers maybe even 5
3-4 different shoty's (i know as a fact that the jackal will be in the game and u can get a suppressor for it)
Maybe some different types of LMG's 2-3,i know there is a new one.
Some different/more assault rifles.
Lots more smg's there where like 2 including the k-volt.
And a bigger variety of pistols like 2-3 diff types of semi auto 2-3 full auto's about 2 power full pistols like the Majestic.
And maybe like 1 more different mounted weapon.

2 different types of RDS's
about 2 4x scopes
A different sniper scope
And if lasers are sites then maybe you can have a colour selection like red,blue and green or something?
If you wondering I left infared scopes out because nanovision

Anythig I've missed?
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Hella Beast
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Post » Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:15 pm

Specialized vests, gloves and footwear like running shoes, different headware like helmets and camo hoods for the snipers, specialized goggles, weapon attachments changeable in-game, class changeable in game, ...oh wait that's Warface. :p ***
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Matt Terry
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