The PS3, though, has the CELL CPU architecture when, once learned, can allow devs to make up for it's shortcomings in memory (more aggressive streaming) and GPU (I think devs offload some graphics calculations onto the CPU because of the weaker PS3 RSX card). That's why you end up with such beautiful titles on the PS3 such as Killzone, Uncharted 3, Final Fantasy 13, and The Last of us. Also, everybody having a mandatory harddrive allows devs to require mandatory installs to make up for the slower disc drive (the Xbox has a faster one).
In fan PS3 circles goes the fable that the Cell is able to "help? RSX, taking on the part of the rendering.
To understand why this is nothing more than a funny story, you need to look at the table in the photo from the presentation of PS3-devkit for developers.

It shows that the Cell is capable of reading data from memory at a speed of 16 megabytes per second. That is, in fact, in terms of reading video memory for the Cell does not exist .. as a channel to it in a half thousand Times narrower than conventional memory ... From Where!.. processor take the data for rendering?
About Killzone, Uncharted 3, Final Fantasy 13, and The Last of us...
That What you see it is Art style..not more polygons,better textures and etc..FM4 have more polygons on car than GT5 have..1 million if i am correctly remember..and what? GT5 still looks better.. because better and more realistic Art style by artists ..but some tracks looks better in FM4..
All power goes to the GPU..but GPU better on xbox 360 this is fact..
but PS360.. both are obsolete right now..
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