Well I didn't figure out how to do this so I wrote in the perk description "Requirement: [respecitve Animal Friend perk]" but only in the extra version.
I also increased the needed skills of all new perks.
Since normal Animal Friend still have Suvival 45, Charisma 6 the newer one are like this:
1.) Insect Friend: Level 15 Surival 60, Charisma 7 (+ Animal Firend in the extra version)
2.) Lizard Friend: Level 20 Survival 75, Charisma 8 (+ Insect Friend in the extra version)
3.) Friend of Abominations: Level 25, Suvival 90, Charisma 9 (+ Lizard Friend in the extra version)
I came up with the extra version for RAFs since the comprehension for one animal class is connected with the others since in nature everything is connected somehow.
But since someone just want to have the last perk I don't make this the standard version otherwise he will end up with a 80% friendly game XD
Like Animal Friend all 3 new perks have 2 ranks.
The Soft-version:DOESN'T implement the 3 new perks only re-working the faction for Animal Friend.
Fire Geckos are now included in the faction.
Legendary beasts are hostile even with the perk: Legendary Night Stalker, the 2 unusual giant rats, legendary Fire Gecko, Den Mother
File: "RAF-softcoe.esp" (even when called Core it isn't a master for the plugin files since Animal Firend is from FalloutNV.esm)
For Honest Hearts:
Yao Guai are now also in the faction.
Legendary beasts are hostile even with the perk: Ghost of She
File: "RAF-Soft-HH.esp" (Standalone)
For Old World Blues:
Shadis (legendary Night Stalker) is now hostile even with the Animal Friend perk.
File: "RAF-Soft-OWB.esp" (Standalone)
For Lonesome Roads (is NOT related to the Animal Friend perk):
Irradiated Deathclaw does now NOT friend with Irradiated Marked Men.
File: "RAF-Soft-LR.esp" (Standalone)
The Hard-version:The Animal Friend faction is modified and 3 new perks and factions are born. (insects, lizards, abomination)
The first perk only affects mammals now.
Giant rats, mole rats, Coyotes, Yao Guai (Honest Hearts), Nightstalkers.
Exceptions: Legendary Nightstalker, Shadis (OWB), Ghost of She (HH), 2 unusal giant rats, Den Mother
The second one affect all insects.
Bark Scorpion, RAD-Scorpion, Giant Ant, Fire Ant, Bloatfly, Cazador, Mantis, Radroach
Exceptions: Legendary Cazador, Scorpion Queen, Legendary Bloatfly (OWB), Specimen 73 (OWB).
The third one affect all reptiles and amphibians.
Gecko, Fire Gecko, Gold Gecko, Green Gecko (HH), Lakelurk
Exceptions: Legendary Fire Gecko, Lakelurk King.
The last one affect abominations.
Deathclaws, Centaurs, Spore Plants, Spore Carrier, Tunneler
Exceptions: Dionaea Muscipula (OWB), Patient Zero (OWB), Moe, Giant Evolved Centaur, Legendary Deathclaw, QUEST: Deathclaw-Mother, QUEST: Deathclaw Alphamale, Tuneller Queen (LR)
The Irradiated Deathclaw from Lonesome Roads doesn't ally with the Irradiated Marked Men also in this version.
File: "RAF-hardcoe.esm" (all optional files need this ESM!)
I made those exceptions for a the balancing. Still there should be no magic way around a boss or unique enemy

I'll post a Nexus Link when I'm done with the translation...