Furthermore, comments in the forum at the nexus site seem to indicate that the built-in invalidation feature in Nexus Mod Manager also doesn't work.
Step 3 in NMC's texture pack states that this step is required:
"3) IMPORTANT: Activate "archive invalidation invalidated" so the new files show up in game. (Also, if you are overwriting a previously installed, different sized pack, THEN TOGGLE ARCHIVE INVALIDATION INVALIDATED OFF, THEN BACK ON AGAIN or the new textures may not show up)
You can activate this in the Fallout Mod Manager Mod (FOMM)
or by using the Archive Invalidation Invalidated mod:"
I am unable to get FOMM to run at all (crashes immediately upon startup), so it looks like I need the Archive Invalidation Invalidated mod.
Can someone explain how to accomplish this step? Thanks.
I have the latest version of Nexus Mod Manager (.15.8) installed.