1) For overhauls, I was a big fan of FWE for FO3 and TIE for Oblivion. There doesn't seem to be anything like either for New Vegas. Project Nevada is by the same team as FWE? But from the readme files, it seems less comprehensive than FWE is. I'm mostly looking for a mod to make combat deadlier, loot rarer, the game economy less forgiving, stimpaks heal over time (edit: oops, they do this already!), enemy and follower AI better, and hardcoe mode more hardcoe. But TIE and FWE are a good point of reference, so whatever is closest to either of those would be great, if such a beast exists?
2) I remember there being a mod that re-enabled a dialog option for Mr. House that let him play nice with the BoS in his questline. I can't seem to locate it though. Could someone hook me up with a link please? (edit: found it myself. link is: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=37729 )
3) A World of Pain looks really nice -- my biggest complaint for New Vegas vs. FO3 was that the FO3 world seemed to have a lot more random places to go. I downloaded AWOP + the reduced loot patch. Does the reduced loot patch reduce loot enough so that the game will still be hard with all the new locations/items? I want a harder experience not an easier one, but I'd really like to have the extra locations if possible.
4) Is there a DarnUI for NV? It's not on the Nexus, and the one link I found elsewhere seems to be for a version that's a year and a half old.
5) Any other mod suggestions? I prefer mods to have a light touch and lean toward making the game more challenging, but I'm curious to hear what's out there that I may not have seen from my few hours poking around the Nexus' Top 100 lists and such.
Thanks a bunch in advance.