i love the rage lol last year i had only one beast match, i almost passed 61 kills one time on statue crash site with fy with retriever 3 my heart nearly stopped almost cuz of it lmao. Its funny when the noobs rage quit when i play cs since i usually go like sometimes 19 0, 30 0 , 37 2, 22 2, hell even 20 killstreak then goin 29 and 1 easy on down bird after in the lobby most of the time everybody rae quits even the ppl tht were on my team

they get so scared hehehe. I remembe i had another beast match last year on cs light house i went 43 and 3 using fy with nano recharge 3 se 3 rp fire 3 it was freakin hilarious cuz nobody raged quit they just kept on dying and dying. Rage quiters are fun to laugh at