There are 2 wagons riding through the forests of Skyrim. Chuck Norris awoke finding himself in binds. With him are 2 people in blue armor. (one of which is carrying an oversized bandage) and the other some pansy horse thief. "You are chuck Norris aren't you" Said one of the prisoners. "How did you got captured". "I allowed them to win because I am Chuck Norris." "That explains it all." Said the prisoner. After talking the pansy thief asked. "Why are you wearing a bandage on your mouth?" "He is Ulfric Stormcloak." said the other prisoner. Then they all realized they are going to die. Then the convoy entered a village. And the General Tullius was found talking to this really hot woman with pointy ears. After coming to a stop the prisoners waited for their name to be called. "Jarl Uflric Stormcloak" said an imperial soldier. "I always loved you jarl ulfric" Said Ralof. "Ralof of camalot." said The soldier. " "And robin the pansy". The pansy started running like Forrest gump only to be shot to death.
"And last but not least. Chuck Norris." Chuck Norris walked to meet his fait." After one execution it's Chuck Norris turn. He needs to make a plan. If he can stare the executioner to death. He can escape...
End of chapter one. Your opinion?