Thanks, guys, for taking the time to reply. Your answers make another question spring to mind. If the quests are static and you get the same missions from the same NPCs what is it that gives the game its longevity for a lot of people?
The freedom to play whatever character I want. The game does spoon-feed us certain character "types", but it also allows us the choice to totally go our own direction.
Also, the freedom to explore wherever I want (within the vanilla game's invisible borders) is key. Can't tell you how many games I've played in the past where exploration is severely limited. Tomb Raider and Crusaders of Might and Magic are a couple examples. You're supposed to be travelling on a path, for instance, yet the scenery
off the path looks amazing. I want to go off the path, just for the hell of it. just to explore. NOO YOU CANNOT DO THAT SILLY GIRL!!!! THAT IS NOT ALLOWED!! VERBOHSEN!!! NICHT ARBEITEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 11 ONE one
geez..okay okay stupid game. I'll stay on the path.
Basically, you can play a character who does
nothing but the game's official quests, or you can play a character who
literally never touches a quest, ever. If you see a cottage off in the distance, but you're supposed to be on your way to Kvatch, you can blow off Kvatch and see if anybody is in the cottage instead. You can murder this occupant (usually) if you want. That cottage is not just for scenery...we can explore and do things there.
I guess you can tell I am new to RPGs, huh? Also, I understand you can choose to do missions, or not, but if you decide not to do any, what else can you do. Just explore?
Maybe, I should quit asking questions and go off and get the game...
Anyway, all the best.
Yep. sounds like you're gettin' the hang of it.