[Relzbeta] TES4 CS Hotkeys (including Control Tab and Toggle

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:06 pm

Latest changes :
* 0.95b, 2011/3/17 - CS_Hotkeys_v0.94b.exe : fixed a regression - now the script will correctly detect reopening of the CS. Added a tooltip during initialization (can be toggled off via ini). No control tab till the tooltip disappears. Internal refactoring for the release of CK_Hotkeys for Skyrim. CS_Script_Toggle_v0.95b.exe : same as CS_Script_Toggle_v0.94b.exe.

Htlm readme is very useful if you want to use the shortcuts, read it !
Focusback (beta) may misfire - that is focus is given back to the previous win before focus is given to the win you opened - enable OnlyForReferences in the ini if this happens too often - you may also disable it completely via the ini. Let me know. I chose to fully enable it by default - I guess it is not a good marketing choice :D, still I find it very useful and people are too lazy to enable it themselves lol.
^t opens the find text win
Pressing delete on a warning window will keep pressing yes to all the chunk of warnings - if such a chunk is separated from the next by several secs press delete again. See the ini.

I have now completely covered the script editing part (remember :^ stands for Control ! for Alt and + for Shift):
^+s opens the script edit win
^o opens the select form win
type the beginning of your script name to highlight it
enter opens the script
!right or !left to navigate
^a selects all (alternatively, tab moves focus to the editor)
^v to paste from npp :D
^s to save
esc to close
^s saves the esp
done !


The readme :

Name: TES4 CS Hotkeys (including Control Tab and Toggle Script)
Version: 0.95b (beta)
Date: 2011/3/17
Category: Modding Tools
Requirements: Oblivion Patch, CS 1.2.04 (tested with these on WIN7 PRO)
Author : utumno aka Udun
Homepage: http://udunslabs.blogspot.com/
Download: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25031 || http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=52


This release includes two executables, CS_Hotkeys_v0.95b.exe && CS_Script_Toggle_v0.95b.exe.

CS_Hotkeys_v0.95b.exe (the main file) adds :

* control tab functionality (actually ALT TAB, but using Ctrl-Tab shortcut) in the Oblivion construction set, using the excellent Autohotkey language.
* Customizable (via ini file) shortcuts (hotkeys) for various actions (see below).
* An ini file created in the directory the script is run, CS_Hotkeys.ini.
* A focus back to previous window feature. By default enabled for all windows. If you find you have problems with some windows loosing focus (namely the NPC window) set OnlyForReferences to 1 in the ini.

CS_Script_Toggle_v0.95b.exe adds a similar (to Alt Tab) functionality but only for script windows using Control+(Shift)+CapsLock combo. An ini file, CS_Script_Toggle.ini, is created in the directory the CS_Script_Toggle_v0.95b.exe is run, containing a single setting (whether the script will exit on CS's exit).


Download, unzip, save CS_Hotkeys_v0.95b.exe && CS_Script_Toggle_v0.95b.exe wherever in your drive.Run the exe, open up the CS, switch to it and let the script initialize (takes a couple secs). (If the CS is not running, as long as you leave the default ini settings, the script will wait for the CS). You may run both exes or any one of them, depending on the functionality you need. One (or two) small green icon(s) with an H on it (them) will appear on system tray. By right clicking on it (them) you can exit, pause the script(s) or suspend the hotkeys. Each exe will create an ini file in the directory it is run, where you can customize a couple of options


CS_Script_Toggle_v0.95b.exe :
Press Ctrl-CapsLock to happily jump among Script Edit windows. If only one Script Edit is open it will be given focus. Shift reverses order. Avoid pressing Tab while using this hotkey and the CS_Hotkeys_v0.95b.exe is running - the exe may loose a couple of script windows.

CS_Hotkeys_v0.95b.exe :
* press and hold Ctrl then press Tab to cycle in an Alt Tab way through the CS windows that are open (Render, Cell, Object, References, etc). Shift reverses order. It works like the Alt Tab shortcut in Windows Explorer. Clicking on a window adds it to the stack (even if the script failed to auto-add it).
* Adds shortcuts, see the ini file section bellow.
In particular pressing Alt+m toggles the maximize/restore state of the window while Alt+n minimizes it out of your way (to actually minimize it *out* of your way press Alt+Shift+n). Alt+m is meant to be used with the object, cell, render, script and script\open windows (and a couple of others maybe) which although not having maximize\restore\minimize button they can be maximized and minimized. With other windows, like "Reference", will give a funky result :)
Also, pressing Cntrl+Shift+r reloads the script. When cpu load is very high this may prove necessary.


^ stands for Control, + for Shift and ! for Alt.
~ is not part of the hotkeys but a symbol that tells Autohotkey that when the hotkey fires, its key's native function will not be blocked (so wherever you see, for instance, the ~Enter combo, pressing Enter (and NOT the tilde) will fire the hotkey and also send an Enter keystroke). Best to leave it there when I have it.
For more keys and rules see http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm#Intro.
When the CS_Hotkeys_v0.95b.exe script is first run the (default) CS_Hotkeys.ini will be created - and then left alone. If you want to change a shortcut just open the ini and edit the shortcut you want. For instance, replace the line :


with :


if you want Control+Alt+j to reload the script instead of the default Control+Shift+r. If you want to disable a particular shortcut delete the part after the = sign. For instance :


disables the Reload Script shortcut.

For changes to take effect rerun the exe.
If you want to revert to the default hotkeys just delete CS_Hotkeys.ini and reload (run) the CS_Hotkeys_v0.95b.exe. A brand new (default) CS_Hotkeys.ini will be created.
The specific window classes' hotkeys take precedence over the global ones (see comments in [GlobalHotkeys] section).
The ini file I give below is "commented". Do not attempt to comment the actual ini as I don't believe it's possible.

   [Settings]   Exit_on_CS_exit=0		 ; if set to 1 the script will exit on CS's exit and not start at all if the CS is not running   Enable_Shortcuts=1		; set to 0 to disable all shortcuts (except Control-Tab)   Show_initialize_tooltip=1 ; set to 0 to disable the tooltip shown on initialization   EnableRefocus=1		   ; set to 0 to disable focusing back on the previous window when closing a window   OnlyForReferences=0	   ; set to 1 to disable ReFocus on all windows except "References" windows   EvenMoreWins=1			; set to 0 to disable ReFocus on some windows like find and replace, Quests etc ; if OnlyForReferences==1 this has no effect   [GlobalHotkeys]   ; these will run if any CS window is active (has focus). If a shortcut here conflicts with one in another section however, the other one will take precedence.   ; for instance ^s won't save the active plugin when a Script Edit window is active - it will save the current script instead (see [ScriptHotkeys] section below)   ReloadScript=^+r	 ; reloads the script (CS_Hotkeys)   Maximize/Restore=!m  ; meant to be used with the object, cell, render, script and script\open windows (and a couple others maybe)   Minimize=!n   ForceMin=!+n		 ; minimizes active window and puts it to the bottom of the stack of windows - so when hitting CntrlTab once it won't pop up						; you need to press ^+Tab to see it - found this very useful   Quests=^+q		   ; brings up the Quests window   Dialogue=^+d		 ; brings up the Dialogue window   Script=^+s		   ; brings up the Script Edit window   Factions=^+f		 ; brings up the Factions window   Packages=^+k		 ; brings up the Packages window   OpenWindows=^+o	  ; brings up the Open Windows window   Preview=^+p		  ; brings up the Preview window   FindRepl=^h		  ; brings up the Find and Replace window   Save=^s			  ; brings up the Save window   Data=http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1043222-relzbeta-tes4-cs-hotkeys-including-control-tab-and-toggle-script/^o			  ; brings up the Data window   Preferences=^p	   ; brings up the Preferences window   FindText=^t		  ; brings up the Find Text window   Crash=^+Delete	   ; brings up the Crash window :) use at own risk - at least save your plugin (even then, when deleting smth it may not get properly deleted on a CS crash)   [ScriptHotkeys]   ; these hotkeys run when a Script Edit window is active. ^s and ^o take precedence over the GlobalHotkeys   New=^n				; opens a blank Script   Save=^s			   ; saves current Script   Open=^o			   ; brings up the Open Script window   NextScript=!Right	 ; next script   PrevScript=!Left	  ; previous script   SelectAll=~^a	 ; selects all - even when focus is not on the script (editor) itself (as when opening a script from"Select form" win) - and sets focus on the editor   FocusOnEditor=~Tab	 ; gives focus on the script editor   Close=~Esc			; DO NOT PRESS THE ~ !!! Just press Esc to exit the current script (as one should, doh)   [OpenScriptWindowHotkeys]   ; this hotkey runs when a Select Form (Open Script) window is active   DoubleClickSCRopenWin=~Enter ; press Enter to open the currently highlighted script   [Warnings]   ; these are for "Warnings" windows   MassOK=delete	 ; press delete and the script will keep pressing Yes to chunks of warnings. Works even for thousands of them. The CS may loose focus - it is a CS bug   wait=10		   ; time in ms to wait before pressing Yes again. Minimum -1 (fastest). Do not set it very high (-1 to 100 is fine)   [PrefHotkeys]   ; this hotkey runs when the Preferences window is active. Takes precedence over the GlobalHotkeys   PrefConfirm=~Enter	; press Enter to confirm changes and close pref window (doh)   [DataHotkeys]   ; these hotkeys run when the Data window is active.   DATact=^Space	 ; set (unset if set) as active plugin (the list of plugins must have focus)   DATcheck=Space	; check (uncheck) plugin (the list of plugins must have focus) ; thanks to HotKeyIt   [Cell]   ; pressing Enter when keyboard focus is on cell X (for instance AbandonedMine), in the list of cells (left list in Cell window), loads X (AbandonedMine)   ; while pressing Enter when focus is on an object in the *X_cell* Objects list (right list in Cell window) focuses on the object in Render win. ; thanks to HotKeyIt   DoubleClickC=~Enter   TabC=Tab   ; press Tab to jump from control to control in the cell win   [Object]   ; pressing Enter when keyboard focus (the blue background) is on object X displays the properties of object X   DoubleClickO=~Enter   TabO=Tab   ; press Tab to jump from control to control in the object win   [Render/CS]   ; when focus on CS itself or on the Render window   ShowPathGrid=p   ; toggle edit path grid mode   SnapToGrid=g	 ; toggle snap to grid   SnapToAngle=n	; toggle snap to angle   Havoc=o		  ; toggle havoc   [PrevHotkeys]   ClosePrev=~Esc   ; press Esc to close the Preview win


When clicking too fast on an object in the object window the window that pops up fails to get detected by my script. By too fast I mean so fast that actually the object window is given focus again instantly, so the object's properties loose focus (and that's not the reason for having been clicked in the first place :). Either double click on the object again (not so fast) or left click on the object's window properties if visible. It will be detected. Now this is what makes it a beta. I need help with windows event programming to save these scripts from betaness !

Known Bugs

The ^o shortcut for opening the data window sometimes does not work (window does not appear). Workaround : hit the shortcut (^o) again. A blank data window should appear. Hit Esc and the normal data window should appear.
Focus back works too much sometimes - restrict it via ini if causing problems.
Sometimes (on some keyboards ?) some shortcuts do not fire (I had this issue with ^n in script wins). Workaround : reload the script (^+r by default).
A rare bug is that, sometimes, when hitting a hotkey, the perspective in the Render window changes. I have not figured out when exactly this happens - please give me feedback on this one.

To Do

Correct limitation and bugs above. Add tab shortcut functionality for more wins. Make the scripts event based.

Feedback needed

The script relies on sleep times tested on my machine which is rather clean, cpu not under big load etc. Should work fine anyway but I need some feedback on that. And feedback on the workings of the CS from people who are into WinAPI programming would be great. The CS is full of surprises :)


* 0.95b, 2011/3/17 - CS_Hotkeys_v0.94b.exe : fixed a regression - now the script will correctly detect reopening of the CS. Added a tooltip during initialization. No control tab till the tooltip disappears. Internal refactoring for the release of CK_Hotkeys for Skyrim. CS_Script_Toggle_v0.95b.exe : same as CS_Script_Toggle_v0.94b.exe.
* 0.94b, 2010/5/09 - CS_Hotkeys_v0.94b.exe : added focus back and some shortcuts (for warnings, for next/previous script,some tab functinality, select all and focus (on script editor) and for Find Text). Added html Readme ! Fixed a bug where space would not function in scripts containing Data in their name (reported by Qquix). CS_Script_Toggle_v0.94b.exe : same as CS_Script_Toggle_v0.93b.exe.
* 0.93b, 2009/12/26 - CS_Hotkeys_v0.93b.exe : fixed object window shortcut (silly bug), fixed ~Esc shortcut (so it doesn't close render and object wins!), added toggle Havoc shortcut. CS_Script_Toggle_v0.93b.exe : no change at all from CS_Script_Toggle_v0.92b.exe.
* 0.92b, 2009/11/16 - CS_Hotkeys_v0.92b.exe : added path grid & snap to grid/angle hotkeys; made object window "double click" hotkey optional; fixed preferences confirm hotkey, should work now ; added ini section ([PrevHotkeys]) for closing Preview window with Esc (default), hotkey was there but undocumented ; CS_Script_Toggle_v0.92b.exe : fix - when hitting Ctrl-CapsLock on a non script window focus will be given to the last script window that had focus.
* 0.91.1b, 2009/9/28 - CS_Hotkeys_v0.91.1b.exe :disabled the "double click" shortcut for the Object window as it didn't work sometimes (and the CS hanged) - CS_Script_Toggle_v0.91b.exe the same
* 0.91b, 2009/9/28 - CS_Hotkeys_v0.91b.exe (many hotkeys and Ini file added) & CS_Script_Toggle_v0.91b.exe (to Cntrl tab between Script Edit wins)
* 0.9b , 2009/6/10 - Initial release (CtrlTab_CS_v0.9b.exe)


My blog : http://udunslabs.blogspot.com/. Visit for some more info on the project and to post comments. Remember I need feedback ! Also active in the beth forums (utumno).


Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion and the CS we love to patch.
Thanks to TESNexus.com/PlanetElderScrolls for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to the great Autohotkey community that provided me with tons of useful functions/answers/remarks. In particular I would like to thank HotKeyIt who made half of the functions I use :D Thumbs up guys :)
Thanks to all that provided me with feedback in the beth forums !


Donationware (I have still to add a button - but you can still click on the ads at my blog). Ah, yes, I tested thoroughly and anyway it's a harmless script but still backup and blah blah - enable autosave in the CS btw.

I kept the initial (0.9b) release up because, although the algorithm for control tab stays the same, maybe the shortcuts being fast will prevent a couple of windows from being detected. Not any problems as for now. Another concern is the cooperation of the two scripts - maybe they cause too much load ? Do check the read me and especially the Bugs section. You've been warned. The old thread is http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1000751 - I preferred to start a new one as there is a change of scope.

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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:00 pm

Looks really awesome... I'm downloading and will hopefully get a chance to test it soon.
Pacific Morrowind
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patricia kris
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:36 am

@Pacific Morrowind
Thanks ! The original version surely worked fine - this one maybe is a bit buggier. Avoid the Enter shortcut in the Object window. I posted a version that disables this particular shortcut. I am telling you cause it's really worth the hassle to try the older version if this proves somewhat unstable. I personally never ever work on the CS without this thingy. Check the original http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1000751 and http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=963224&hl= where all started :D
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Solène We
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:56 pm

Thanks for working on the script windows :tops:
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:16 pm

Thanks for working on the script windows :tops:
You are welcome - hope it works :)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:40 pm

There is a bug in the preferences confirm shortcut - I have corrected it and will be posting a new version soon - adding shortcuts for path grid editing and snap to angle/grid :)
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candice keenan
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:02 pm

0.92b is out with fixes and a couple of very useful shortcuts (especially the toggle path grid one). Be the first to test err to grab it :D
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:47 pm

No news good news I guess - plz rate it if you like it :icecream:
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KU Fint
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:36 pm

Discovered a couple of bugs - object window enter shortcut doesn't work and Esc shortcut shuts down more than it should - corrected them and will be uploading soon.

EDIT : 0.93b is out - check the first post for details.
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evelina c
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:46 pm

Splendid! Shortcuts and ability to quick switch between windows are very handy. :goodjob: I have http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1016235 about CS before and it looks like one of the bright solutions. Anyway, some of my suggestions:
Quests=^+q ; brings up the Quests window
Dialogue=^+d ; brings up the Dialogue window
Script=^+s ; brings up the Script Edit window
Factions=^+f ; brings up the Factions window
Packages=^+k ; brings up the Packages window
OpenWindows=^+o ; brings up the Open Windows window
Preview=^+p ; brings up the Preview window
I think some the default shortcuts for these should be changed to just Shift (+) and one letter, for example Shift and S button for Script Edit window (+s). Having to press only two buttons is more efficient than three buttons, and it also prevents people from accidentally doing other unintended task, such as saving an unfinished file (which is done by Control and S button). Also, you might want to change the default for:
Packages=^+k ; brings up the Packages window
to +a , because having to click different buttons located at the opposing side of keyboard is a bit cumbersome. If you switch k to a, it will be faster to open. If I wasn't mistaken, isn't Packages window basically collection of A.I task window? ;)

I realize these little nitpicks can be easily remedied by changing the shortcuts from an ini file, but having a more ergonomic keyboard shortcuts are healthier :hehe:
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Solène We
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:33 am

Splendid! Shortcuts and ability to quick switch between windows are very handy. :goodjob: I have http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1016235 about CS before and it looks like one of the bright solutions.
Thanks :)
As for your suggestions - I will give them a try - problem is I already assigned many other shortcuts (using autohotkey) to other functions in win - so double modifier keys helps avoid conflicts - I guess for other people too. Also there are many shortcuts already in the CS and I am not sure if there will be conflicts there too. It is good practice in general in custom scripts to define such cumbersome shortcuts - if I do receive more feedback on this I may change them, however. Btw you are the first to give me feedback on the keys, I thought no one was using them :D

As for the ini, it is created in the folder the .exe is run from. You may easily change the shortcuts to what you propose, do try it. Then rerun the .exe it should read the new values.

My documentation is terrible, I realized recently - shows clearly I am not a programmer - I will clean it up soon, I am planning a release adding the focus-back-on-last-used-win feature.

Soon :whistle:

PS thanks again :)
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:08 pm

Thanks :)
... if I do receive more feedback on this I may change them, however. Btw you are the first to give me feedback on the keys, I thought no one was using them :D
You're welcome.

You might want to notice a moderator to move this thread into http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showforum=24, as most modders working with their projects (and CS) often reside there, and this thread would not sunk quickly.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:00 pm

preparing 0.94b
I introduce a couple of very useful shortcuts - like pressing enter on the "Open Script" window will now open the selected script (this was a thing I always missed). I am also working on a focus back to the window that was open before - so opening, say, a Reference window via the render window and then pressing escape the focus is given back to the render window - which for me was a must. Still, I need feedback on this one - as it is now it works on a variety of wins - should I limit it say to reference windows only ?
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Len swann
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:24 pm

Not sure if I ever mentioned how much I appreciate this tool.
I keep opening reference and object windows and forgetting of closing them before switching to a script window. This tool is a real blessing to find and close those leftover windows.

- - - - -

I've just downloaded v0.93b and found a bug for you:

If I edit a script that has the text "Data" in its name, the spacebar stops working just in that particular script.
Not immediately, but after I navigate to another script and come back.

I've exited and reloaded the CS, no avail. That script still does not accept the spacebar input
Suspending or exiting CS_Hotkeys solves the problem.

- - - - -

Not having the focus back to the render window after closing a reference window is something I suffer every day. Would be great to have a fix for this. The Object window also has this behavior, but it is not nearly an annoyance as the render window.

Btw, any plans to include hotkeys for Prev/NextScript?
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Charlotte X
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:58 am

Not sure if I ever mentioned how much I appreciate this tool.
I keep opening reference and object windows and forgetting of closing them before switching to a script window. This tool is a real blessing to find and close those leftover windows.

- - - - -

I've just downloaded v0.93b and found a bug for you:

If I edit a script that has the text "Data" in its name, the spacebar stops working just in that particular script.
Not immediately, but after I navigate to another script and come back.

I've exited and reloaded the CS, no avail. That script still does not accept the spacebar input
Suspending or exiting CS_Hotkeys solves the problem.

- - - - -

Not having the focus back to the render window after closing a reference window is something I suffer every day. Would be great to have a fix for this. The Object window also has this behavior, but it is not nearly an annoyance as the render window.

Btw, any plans to include hotkeys for Prev/NextScript?
Thanks indeed - yes, you have mentioned it :)

I 've just seen your post - feel free to PM me any bugs.

This is serious, it can be fixed easily though.
I was planning a release including the hotkeys you mention and a couple others - like pressing enter in Select form (open script) now opens selected script. Also a hotkey for pressing "Yes" in multiple warnings :D, and some tab functionality for object and cell wins. All these work well but I can't seem to make focus back to work - the CS creates invisible windows which confuse my script - no matter what I try. I was planing a new version but this focus back has delayed me a lot. Plus I have to make an html readme - the ini is not easy to read from a txt - and css is full of surprises :rolleyes:
But this bug must be corrected - I will be posting a new version soon (ASAP, very pressed at the mo) with a limited and a general focus back - toggled by ini. For the mo Ctrl+shift+R reloads the script - maybe this helps ?
Btw Ctrl+shift+O opens the "Open Windows" win - an easy way to close those stray references :)

try replacing in the ini :
DATact=~^Space ; maybe this one is not needed
and see if that eliminates the bug. Reload the script so it reads the new values. Not in my PC at the mo and can't check it myself.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:43 pm

By the way - this is awesome. I love this so much, it really has made my life easier. Gave it a thumbs up on Nexus. It's great, because I have to restart the CS every time I update NifScript - and this saves me a ton of time on that.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:15 pm

By the way - this is awesome. I love this so much, it really has made my life easier. Gave it a thumbs up on Nexus. It's great, because I have to restart the CS every time I update NifScript - and this saves me a ton of time on that.
Thanks :)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:36 pm

I did reproduce the bug
The fix I give in my post above is valid also
replace in the ini :

This worked for me
Thanks again for input :)
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:43 pm

Updated !! See the OP for details.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:03 pm

tiny bump
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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:44 am

is this compatible with CSE?
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:58 pm

Nope. In fact, using it (any of the script editor hotkeys) will break the new script editor. (Not the app's fault - That's how CSE works). The other hotkeys might cause trouble as well.
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James Potter
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:33 am

Nope. In fact, using it (any of the script editor hotkeys) will break the new script editor. (Not the app's fault - That's how CSE works). The other hotkeys might cause trouble as well.
Hmm - is this still the case - using 0.94b with CSE 5.1 seems to work great - the script hotkeys jusat do nothing (expected)
In particular hich other hotkeys are posing problems ?
I intend to rework this out of beta - err soon
Any ideas on CSE integration ?

Btw - on hiting ^s save plugin dialog appears - which has no cancel (esc would do fine) - even when editing a script - maybe ^s should trigger the save script dialogue in this case ?
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lillian luna
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:17 pm

0.95b :)
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Killah Bee
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