i played it once. after you've seen the cute pop-culture references and other oddities once, i can live without them. None are all that whoop-de-do, to be honest. The alien blaster is ok, but it isn't anywhere near as good a weapon as the YCS, if you're doing an EW playthough. After I got it, I wished I hadn't bothered- missed the big gauss gun. The 3 holy handgrenades are... interesting... but you'd better have the 'heave-ho' perk, or you'll just be blowin yourself up with them

Other than that, not much to it, really. Like i said, once you seen the half-arsed joke bits once, that's pretty much done for. The actual gameplay beneifits from any of it is rather underwhelming. I'll be skipping it for actually useful traits, every time.