» Wed May 02, 2012 2:22 pm
You don't need to glitch.
What you do is you take them all, have the conversation with Elijah and imply you're going to rob him blind. He'll then head down to take care of you. Once he does this, walk out the door of the vault and get in sneak mode behind this generator thing between the vault entrance and the doorway Elijah comes from. Elijah will SLOWLY make his way to the vault door, slow enough so that you can go around the generator, taking care to make sure he stays on the opposite side of the generator from you. Now, once Elijah is on the side of the generator near the vault entrance (your starting position basically) and you're on the side of the generator near where he came from, this is where it gets tricky. You CANNOT keep going, as the moment you set a foot near the platform with the stairs up to where he came from, he'll automatically detect you. This means that once you're on that side of the generator, you need to STOP once you're directly behind it from the perspective of someone standing near the vault entrance. When do you move again then? Wait until he approaches the vault door terminal. The MOMENT he gets near that terminal, close enough to activate it? Get up. Stop sneaking and straight-up WALK to the doorway he came from.
It's very clutch, VERY close timing, but it can be done. I do it all the time. I know my description isn't the best (hard to describe with just text), but the only difficult parts are:
1) Deciding how close you can get to the stairs leading to the exit once you're on the exit-side of the generator. He's actually very sensitive about them, so you have to keep a pretty damn reasonable distance from them. As I said, best to just stay directly behind the generator. "Behind the Generator" as in, if there's a north, south, east and west side to the generator with you STARTING at the west side of the generator, going counter-clockwise around it and moving south then east to mirror Elijah, STOP the moment you're directly east of it. Trying to go even the SLIGHTEST bit northeast of it will set him off.
2) Deciding when to book it for the door. Can't start too early or he'll notice, can't start too late or you'll see him activate the forcefield right before your very eyes. In my experience, you basically wanna book it the moment it looks as though he's taking his LAST steps towards the vault terminal. On my game Elijah takes like 3 steps, briefly pauses, three steps, briefly pauses. The LAST set of 3 steps before he'd be within reach of the terminal and able to activate it; that's basically when you wanna book it. Perhaps not at the very start of the 3 steps, but in the middle of them, yes.