Okay, Now really on with it.
Imagine , a hard cover volume for each of the elder scrolls games containing all the books and lore of each game?
That would be the most amazing and fun collectors item ever , even if you have never played the games there would be so much in those volumes you could just sit down and explore the world Behesda Softworks have taken so many years and so much blood and tears to create for us.
I'm taking , books with detailed maps of all of tamriel , history, in-game books , lore , pictures of creatures and races , drawing everything!
so many people would eat that up , if not because they are hardcoe collects or hardcoe fans , the world is just so alive and vivid its like when your in a dream you don't realise it was a dream until you wake up .
Please , everyone keep this thread alive we have to make this happen we are the fans , we are the players we can achieve anything as a group me alone has very little tug in this matter .
Please support my idea, most your ideas and input I'll check this thread regularly and update it .
- Mouring
Reasons It We Believe It Would Not Work : Initiate
Disagree. One of the best things about ES lore is that a lot of it is vague, outdated, and/or wrong. Having everything in one place, clearly written, would defeat the purpose.