I had no idea you could do this. I've never had much reason to mess with crime level, so all that I know about it is what is in MWSFD, which obviously doesn't say that. I find it odd that -1 doesn't work the same way though.
I must say that I care if time advances. It's kind of pointless to serve time in jail if time doesn't pass. And in my defense, my script isn't very complicated, It's just tedious to type it all. Oh well, thanks for the info. Gotta write this down. I wonder what else I'm missing now...
Sorry Giro, I guess you didn't need the expansions after all. Rocket's way does work. It's very simple, and I think you could do it without much help, if any. Time should be trivial to implement too if you should want to. You just have to know that by default, you spend one day in jail for every 100 gold.
Thanx again for helping me with my problems. I now got the GOTY and implemented your script
Did like you said for Vanilla Morrowind and it works. Thank you for your help, too.
"Apply your desired penalties based on the previously recorded crime level, and then pop up a message of your own to replace the standard jail message.
Alter the date to reflect time passed. You could skip this part if you wanted to. Nobody would care. If it was me writing the script, I would.
Then stop your script. It would be a good idea to put each part in an individual script state and increment the state each frame."
I have no idea how to do this, I'm a bit into dialog now, but now I have no time to get into scripting at all
. My 3 weeks of holiday are over and I have to write a thesis work.
So I'm afraid it will end up without the popup message and time pass reflection.
Thank you two for your great help again!