Almost there... with this, I had dozens of guards coming from miles around to my aid, every time a cliff racer attacked me... which is a bit excessive. Also, if I try to murder someone, instead of fighting me, they help me out. Any way to tweak it to make them only help within a small area, and still recognize it when I break the law, and attack me for it? (Without trying to arrest me, like guards do.)
Ohhh, haha, I thought when you said you didn't want them to arrest you, you wanted them to ignore you.
If you set their alarm to 100 they will attack you when you commit a crime and attack creatures attacking you but wont help against NPCs ( like Dark Brotherhood assassins ). The dialog for paying fines is tied to the guard class.
Another possible option is to have a script on each guard that checks for the player's proximity and changes their AIpackage accordingly ( AIEscort when nearby, AIWander when not ) and if the player's crime level increases use forcecombat. GetDistance is a bit slow so only have it check occasionally ( or check if the player is in the same cell instead ).