» Wed May 02, 2012 2:37 pm
There are a few Netch farms around the Ascadian Isles, with tame Netches. Other than those, you're free to hunt them, as long as you can deal with the Bull Netch's poisonous attacks. For whatever reason, both Bull and Betty Netches appear in huge numbers in the spawn lists of certain areas at some levels. With a notable exception or two (related to a quest, but you CAN kill them at any time and still complete the quest), they won't bother you if you don't bother them. Give it time, and other stuff will start to reappear a bit more often, although the Netches will still be relatively frequent in those spots for the rest of the game.
If you've got Morrowind Crafting or Complete Morrowind Full, the Netch Leather can be very useful, aside from its alchemical properties.