If you have scripts commands referring to cell coordinates (position/positioncell and the like), probably TesFaith is needed.
Get the last known 0.97alpha version as explained by Pinkertonius.
Before trying to move cells, be sure to have each exterior cell you want to move assigned to a region (new and unique regions for your mod), this way usually tesfaith works better.
I use http://timeslip.users.sourceforge.net/morrow.html mod display map before/after tesfaith to check for conflicts with other mods, decide mod movement offsets, see movement result, it helps a lot (don't use Tesfaith# to move, last tesfaith is better at it).
Copy your mod (e.g. keening.esp) to the folder where tesfaith.exe and tfaith.cfg are.
Edit the tfaith.cfg. You can comment old tfaith.cfg lines with # prefix. In the example below, I commented out lines moving another mod, and assumed moving a keening.esp file 20 cells to the east and 10 cells to the south. I suggest you give TR commands starting from the regions less distant to destination cell, this way you should minimize overlapping while moving cells problems risk.
# tesfaith "Rahj.esp"tesfaith "keening.esp"# TR, "Rahji Volcanos", 23 ,-35# TR, "Black Lake", 23 ,-35# TR, "Herpelymbes Plains", 23 ,-35# TR, "Atoll Path", 23 ,-35# TR, "Elnagor", 23 ,-35# TR, "Nagor", 23 ,-35TR, "keeningregionID1", 20 ,-10# ....TR, "keeningregionID5", 20 ,-10
After running tesfaith.exe, look at the tfthlog.txt log file.
Total Script Commands modified/Scripts found: 0/307
If modified scripts are > 0, you need to recompile all (if modified scripts are 0, you can skip pass 2 below, or try smartmerger)
1. copy Tfout.esp back to your Morrowind\Data Files folder
2. Load your moved mod copy (Tfout.esp) in the CS with all needed .esm masters (I'm assuming your mod is dependant on both Tribunal.esm and Bloodmoon.esm, if not follow http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:GMST_Contamination and use GMST vaccine), Gameplay\Edit Scripts, Scripts\Recompile All (do this 2 times to be sure global scripts are compiled correctly), save your mod, do the usual cleaning.
Oh, and if everything went well,
3. rename Tfout.esp/change it to .esm if needed from Mash.
[EDIT]typos, explanation, example
[EDIT2]changed from "to the north" to "to the south"