Please help, Modders

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:59 am

For some strange reason, Martin's Weynon Priory Bay Horse, spawned for him during the trip to Weynon Priory after Kvatch. We hadn't even been to Weynon Priory yet but he was riding the horse, right up until he dismounted to fight a robber near a stone bridge. He followed me on foot after that but the horse is still standing there.

After reaching Jauffre and then heading for Cloud Ruler Temple, no horse in the stable for Martin. We fast-traveled to CRT but still no Martin horse. I saved and then went to check if the horse is still at the bridge. It is. If I ride it, I have a horse theft. If I disable it, I don't know how to put things as they should be with the horse in the stable at CRT. Can anyone tell me the console commands to make this right? The BaseID for the horse is 000C01AC.

One other thought I had was to setownership to me, ride the horse to the stable and then setownership back to the original owner but I don't know who that is or how to do it. Thanks for any help. :tes:
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:24 am

Strange problem. If you don’t want to back up to a save at Kvatch before the glitch happened, then I would suggest not worrying about it. Martin doesn’t need a horse after he gets to CRT. His next journeys are to Bruma and the IC, and I always fast travel and he shows up.


Just kill the horse and forget about it - click horse then type disable
Kill the horse at the bridge and resurrect it at CRT - Placeatme BaseID
Kill the horse at the bridge and resurrect it at CRT - player.placeatme BaseID

I would try the last option first. Good luck.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:08 pm

In one game, when taking Martin to the IC, a bear attacked and his horse was killed so it's safer to FT anyway. I tried the fixes and ended up going back to an earlier save...more than I wanted to repeat but I felt it was better to have a clean start at Level 2. The spawning didn't reoccur so that was good. All is well now and thank you for your help, tmar. I need to learn the console commands thoroughly but I can't seem to stop playing these games to do the tutorials. :smile: :tes:
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:31 pm

Are you running the Unofficial patch? Can't say I've checked to see if this is a problem it fixes, but if it doesn't, you'll want to pass along this issue to the team to deal with. They're still active, and have threads in this forum.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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