The mod contain bug fix, rebalance weapons, armors, and Karmars. The rest of here.
JSawyer - Release Notes 12.28.11
This is a general difficulty tweak and bug fix mod. The goal was to make the game more challenging and to fix a bunch of the more obvious balance
and .esm incompatability issues. A full list of changes is below.
*~ *~ READ THIS ~* ~*
* I do not grant permission for this mod to be released from or hosted on any site other than
* Requires core F:NV .esm and all DLCs: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Gun Runners' Arsenal, and Courier's Stash.
* Put jsawyer.esp in your Data folder. No additional files are required, but...
* Requires a load order manager such as Fallout Mod Manager. jsawyer.esp must be loaded after the core .esm and all DLC .esms.
* Will probably conflict with some of your 10,000 other mods. Sorry.
* I avoided anything that involved heavy scripting because I am bad at scripting and didn't want to blow everything up.
* I didn't add any huge new things because that wasn't really the point of the mod.
* This is not official and it's not a patch. If it disintegrates your game, do a Kareem and skyhook the .esp into your Recycle Bin.
* I played with this mod for about 20 hours. That's the extent of its testing. Really. BEWARE.
* fPCBaseHealthMult set from 2.0 to 0.5 (quartering initial player health)
* fAVDHealthEnduranceMult set from 20 to 15
* Stimpak Weight set to 0.25
* Super Stimpak Weight set to 0.5
* MFCs weight lowered from 0.1 to 0.05 (Optimized to 0.033)
* SECs weight lowered from 0.0780 to 0.03 (Optimized to 0.02)
* ECPs weight lowered from 0.025 to 0.02 (Optimized to 0.013)
* Automatic Rifle Min Spread lowered from 2.5 to 1.6
* Automatic Rifle VATS attack set to Long Bursts
* K9000 Cyberdog Gun Mentat Chow RoF increase lowered from 0.4 to 0.2
* K9000 Cyberdog Gun and FIDO ejection set to .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum cases, respectively
* Cowboy, Grunt damage bonuses reduced from 25% to 20%
* Tin Grenade recipe no longer requires Mad Bomber
* Sprtel-Wood 9700 Health raised from 1000 to 2000
* Multiplas Rifle Health raised from 50 to 150
* Tesla Cannon Health raised from 80 to 160
* Tesla-Beaton Prototype Health raised from 40 to 120
* Elijah's Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon Health raised from 30 to 100
* LAER Health raised from 75 to 125
* Elijah's Advanced LAER health raised from 50 to 90
* Plasma projectile speed raised from 7500 to 15000
* Q35 projectile speed raised from 17000 to 32000
* Plasma Caster projectile speed raised from 20000 to 25000
* Plasma Caster Health raised from 80 to 125
* Riot Gear Helmets (all) changed from Heavy to Light
* Lightweight Metal Armor and Metal Armor given 10 DR
* Metal Armor, Reinforced given 12 DR
* Gecko-Backed Metal Armor given 13 DR
* Gecko-Backed Metal Armor, Reinforced given 15 DR
* Remnants Power Armor given 35 DR
* NCR Salvaged Power Armor given 20 DR
* T-45d Power Armor and Brotherhood given 25 DR
* T-51b Power Armor and Brotherhood given 30 DR
* Scorched Sierra Power Armor given 20 DR
* Armor of the 87th Tribe given 18 DR
* Gannon Family Tesla Armor given 25 DR
* Recon Armor given 10 DR
* Combat Armor given 8 DR
* Combat Armor, Reinforced given 11 DR
* Combat Armor, Reinforced Mk. 2 given 12 DR
* NCR Trooper Armor (all variants) given 5 DR
* Riot Gear given 12 DR
* Advanced Riot Gear given 13 DR
* Elite Riot Gear given 14 DR
* US Army Combat Armor given 15 DR
* Christine's COS Recon Armor given 12 DR
* Desert Ranger Combat Armor given 13 DR
* NCR Ranger Patrol Armor given 8 DR
* NCR Ranger Combat Armor given 12 DR
* Legion Centurion Armor given 9 DR
* Legion Vexillarius Armor given 7 DR
* Marked Men Trooper Armor given 3 DR
* Marked Men Tribal Armor given 4 DR
* Marked Men Patrol Armor given 5 DR
* Boone's upgraded armors changed to Medium (were Heavy), given 8 DR
* Junk Rounds recipes adjusted to create larger batches of junk rounds instead of normal rounds.
* .45 Auto Junk Round and recipe created.
* 12.7mm Junk Round recipe created.
* All Junk Round values set to 0.
* Dehydration, Sleep Deprivation, and Starvation Rates all halved (twice as fast)
* Base healing of Doctor's Bag/Rad Away halved
* Fire Bomb set to explode on impact
* Fire Bomb explosion damage set to 50, burn damage set to 9/sec for 15 secs
* Created Fire Bomb recipe
* Katana Equip/Unequip sounds changed to sword sounds
* Automatic Rifle, Bozar added to Grunt weapons list
* Police Pistol added to Cowboy weapons list
* All Junk rounds added to respective ammo lists
* fKarmaModKillingEvilActor from 100 to 5
* fKarmaModKillingVeryEvilActor from 2 to 30
* Colonel Moore Alignment changed from Neutral to Evil
* Colonel Hsu Alignment changed from Neutral to Good
* Dam Centurion Alignments changed from Evil to Neutral
* Doctor Usanagi Alignment changed to Very Good
* Dixon Alignment changed from Neutral to Very Evil
* Jean-Baptiste Cutting Alignment changed from Neutral to Very Evil
* Gloria Van Graff Alignment changed from Neutral to Very Evil
* Alice McLafferty Alignment changed from Neutral to Evil
* Alice McBride Alignment changed from Neutral to Good
* Squatter Alignments changed from Neutral to Good
* The King's Alignment changed from Neutral to Good
* Contreras' Alignment changed from Neutral to Evil
* Westside Citizens and Militia Alignments changed from Neutral to Good
* Gomorrah prosttutes Alignments changed from Neutral to Good
* 1E Junkies' Alignments changed from Neutral to Good
* Michelle and Samuel's Alignments changed from Neutral to Good
* Base Carry Weight lowered from 150 to 50
* 20 Ga 3/0 Buck and 12 Ga 4/0 Buck damage bonuses (from base buckshot) added
* Strong Back benefit lowered from 50 to 25
* Hoarder benefit lowered from 25 to 15, minimum weight lowered to 75 from 160.
* All Power Armor enchantments have an Increase Carry Weight effect equal to the weight of the armor, with the condition of HasPerk PowerArmorTraining or GetIsID for Veronica, Arcade, or Christine
* NCR Salvaged Power Armor weight lowered to 28
* Power Armor flags disabled on all Power Armor and Helmets (no longer explicitly requires PA training)
* iMaxCharacterLevel lowered from 30 to 15 (making total max character level 35)
* All granted XP halved for all levels of difficulty.
* Sturdy Caravan Shotgun spread lowered from 4 to 1.8, AP cost lowered from 27 to 19
* Increased Armored Vault 13/21 Jumpsuit Health from 100 to 200.
* Laser Pistol (+GRA variant) DAM/Crit DAM from 12 to 16. Now displays bonus crit chance (though this message disappears with mods).
* 9mm Pistol DAM/Crit DAM from 16 to 18. Maria from 20 to 23.
* Silenced .22 Pistol DAM from 9 to 12. Crit DAM from 18 to 30. Health from 100 to 350. FoV from 65 to 55.
* Silenced .22 SMG DAM from 10 to 11. Crit DAM from 20 to 26. FoV from 60 to 45.
* .357 Revolver FoV from 65 to 50, Lucky from 55 to 45
* 9mm Pistol FoV from 65 to 60, Maria from 55 to 50.
* Laser Pistol (+GRA variant) FoV from 65 to 55.
* Laser Rifle health from 125 to 300. Now displays bonus crit chance (though this message disappears with mods).
* Recharger Rifle now displays bonus crit chance.
* AER14 Prototype now displays bonus crit chance. Health from 100 to 200.
* Laser RCW FoV from 65 to 50.
* Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit now available from Sarah Weintraub's store.
* Armored Vault 13 and 21 Jumpsuits now use RepairVaultSuit, which now includes all F:NV base Vault Suits.
* Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit now grants +1 LK, has 12 DT, costs 2000.
* NPC loot will drop fewer purified waters (vs. dirty waters) in general.
* Sunset Sarsasparilla now restores 25 H2O, but only 12 health.
* Base Nuka Cola now restores 25 H2O, but only 13 health. Other Nuka Colas also restore 25 H2O.
* Rum & Nuka no longer affects H2O.
* Purified and Dirty water restores 10 health (as before), but over 10 seconds instead of over 5 seconds.
* All Pre-Order Special Armor and Weapons set to drastically reduced values.
* Pre-Order Lightweight Leather is now +10 Sneak.
* Pre-Order Tribal Raiding armor now 6 DT, +20% Poison Resist, +5 Survival.
* Vault 13 Canteen Effect now occurs every 7.5 minutes instead of every 5.
* 10mm Pistols' FoV reduced from 65 to 60.
* Created Stimpak, Expired to take the place of the more common Stimpak drops
* Created Stimpak, Homemade to take the place of workbench-created Stims. Includes -1 PE for 18 seconds (as Healing Powder).
* Adjusted Stimpak random lists to favor 4:1 Expired to normal Stimpaks.
* Set ordinary Stimpaks to heal 20 (base)
* Pre-Order pack consumable numbers adjusted (e.g. fewer 40mm Grenades, more Throwing Spears).
* H2O, FOD, and SLP thresholds pushed back. The first comes later (400), but subsequent levels come more quickly (150 intervals).
* Set Doc Mitchell's Chemistry Set to give Homemade Stimpaks
* Mercenary's Pack now gives ordinary Stims instead of Super Stims
* Barton Thorn now carries a Plasma Pistol + ECs, his class is now JSawyerWastelandTechSalvager, with EW Tagged.
* Johnny/Johnny's stand-in now carry a 65% CND Recharger Rifle.
* Created a pack of "Deranged Bright Followers" near Wolfhorn Point, armed with Tier 1/Tier 2 Energy Weapons.
* Recharger Rifle weight halved (15 to 7.5).
* Recharger Pistol weight from 7 to 4.5. Crit rate to 1.5 (as Rifle), now displayed as well.
* Set all Powder Ganger factions to Evil to prevent karma loss for stealing from them.
* All random NPC food and drink drops set to dramatically lower rates (25 = 5%, 50 = 10%, 75 = 20%). Also affects many containers.
* LLCLCenturionMeleeWeapons leveled list had Sledgehammer added as default/level 1 weapon, Fire Axe as level 12 weapon.
* VFactionSquadLegionVeteranArmor, CondLegionArmorVeteranoll set from level 15 to 1, CondLegionArmorCenturionAll set from level 1 to 15
* CondLegionArmorCenturionAll removed from VFactionSquadLegionPraetorianArmor
* Legion Assassin low-level gear lists thinned out/cleaned up overall to prevent odd low-level drops (see above).
* Sensor Module added to ClutterToolBoxLow
* Sensor Modules and Cherry Bombs drop rate tripled on VendorMisc list
* Created Sierra Madre vending machine recipe and note for Microfusion Cells (produces 6). Oooh! Where could it be?!
* Moved .357 Magnum Sierra Madre vending machine recipe to the desk immediately outside the contraband room door in the Police Station.
* PrewarMoney VAL changed from 10 to 2.
* All (known) Feral Ghouls set to Neutral alignment
* fMoveHeavyArmorPenalty from 0.15 to 0.1 (10% speed penalty instead of 15%)
* fMoveMediumArmorPenalty from 0.075 to 0.05 (5% speed penalty instead of 7.5%)
* fMove2HBigPenalty and fMove2HRPenalty from 0.1 to 0.05 (5% speed penalty instead of 10%)
* Alcohols set to restore 10-15 H2O instead of damaging H2O.
* Laser Rifle beam splitter dropped to (properly) create only one additional beam.
* Recurring Sierra Madre "Big Bonus" voucher (after NVDLC01 completion) replaced with +25 chips as an economy-preserving measure.
* Gold Bar value dropped from 10547 to 3500 as an economy-preserving measure.
* Rushing Water attack speed bonus dropped from 50% to 20%.
* Stealth Suit Mk II given 9 points of DR
* A Light Shining in Darkness added to Religious Weapons challenge in GRA.
* Various missed advlt Mojave Deathclaws added to Deathclaw Pro Hunter list.