Glitching in mountains and bad looking grass

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:00 pm

Hi , I've had this problem with fallout NV and somewhat with fallout 3 ever since I got them and basically what happens is it glitches bad in the mountains , all the textures will go crazy I've tried both games on my 6970 and 9500gt both do it. I recently replaced my motherboard due to defective ram. thought that might be it. its not. I have no idea what to do now. I don't get it in other games oblivion's fine, in just cause 2 i might have these weird lines that appear on mountains very faint. A video of it is below. Also the grass looks horrible. All of my drivers are updated and I did a fresh install of windows.. Its really P*issing me off that I have these issues with these these games. Please help , thanks

HiS iceq 6970
i7 2600k
8GB ram
asrock p67 extreme 3 gen 4
Corsiar hx 850
asus v242h
Haf 932
WD caviar black 1tb
Asus dvd 24x burner
Hyper 212 evo

Video Link :

OK Something wierd happened. In the youtube video all of the glitches on the mountains are gone !!!! WTF and the grass looks better idk... Its the rocks that are on those mountains the small ones flicker.. Theres no point of looking at the vid really. you can just to picture it though. thanks anyway. Fallout new vegas looks 10 time worse then the vid when you actually see it...
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Matthew Warren
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