-Win7 home prem. 64-bit
-6 Gb RAM
-Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT (latest WHQL drivers)
-Audigy 2 (latest (only?) drivers, non-WHQL)
Launcher works, but when I choose play, it shows two first images and then crashes. Testing it on my wife's laptop (AMD P520, 4 GB, Amd 4250, W7 home prem 64-bit) it seems that the game crashes when it should start playing the main menu mp3 file. And to confirm it, I renamed it and I get to the menu. Then I can watch the intro and menu sounds work but when intro ends and the first level is loaded, I hear beginning of sfx and the game crashes with the same StackHash_0a9e code as before neutralizing the mp3 file.
I've returned the file associations of ogg and mp3 to WMP, uninstalled ffdshow and other codecs that I could find, tried with and withoud ALchemy and I'm at my wit's end.
Batch encoding of all sound files to wav would probably not work. Wrong kind of MPEG decoder installed? How can I circumvent it, moving a correct decoder to the NV folder?
I'm installing Fallout3 now and to see whether or not it suffers from the same problem.