Vera Keyes In Old World Blues

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:53 pm

I noticed a while ago.

The song that plays all the time in Old World Blues on the radio, is Vera Keyes ' song from Dead Money.
You can hear the Sierra Madre door phrase in it.

Vera Keyes is the unfortunate female who SInclair was tricked into falling love with by Dean Domino.

Freaky, lol.

You do wonder why the scientists of the Big MT would be playing it, maybe they were fans, lol.

You do also wonder that Elijah did'nt notice the connection when doing his Sierra Madre research, since Vera Keyes is mentioned in it.
He could have saved everyone a whole lot of trouble by recording or hacking into or stealing a recording of her song before going in, lol.
I mean, the sierra madre announcement is right there, clearly her, he was expermenting with it on the poor chinese ghouls and he did'nt make a connection with the song on the radio all the time?

Would have been better if he had, then they would'nt have made that uncompletable pile of s**t like it is the first place. It would have been better.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:38 am

I noticed a while ago.

The song that plays all the time in Old World Blues on the radio, is Vera Keyes ' song from Dead Money.
You can hear the Sierra Madre door phrase in it.

Vera Keyes is the unfortunate female who SInclair was tricked into falling love with by Dean Domino.

Freaky, lol.

You do wonder why the scientists of the Big MT would be playing it, maybe they were fans, lol.

You do also wonder that Elijah did'nt notice the connection when doing his Sierra Madre research, since Vera Keyes is mentioned in it.
He could have saved everyone a whole lot of trouble by recording or hacking into or stealing a recording of her song before going in, lol.
I mean, the sierra madre announcement is right there, clearly her, he was expermenting with it on the poor chinese ghouls and he did'nt make a connection with the song on the radio all the time?

Would have been better if he had, then they would'nt have made that uncompletable pile of s**t like it is the first place. It would have been better.

I think he didn't make the connection because he hadn't even been to the Sierra Madre yet.

And Dead Money was completable, you seem to be one of the only people to think otherwise.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:01 am

He couldn't have known that the password for the vault was her voice, he couldn't have even known that she was in anyway related to the Sierra Madre. Besides, Vera Keyes was a popular singer before the bombs fell, I don't find it very surprising that people who were alive then would be listening to it.

As to Dead Money being a pile of [censored], that is your opinion. Everyone has their own. As to it being incompletable, people have finished it on Dead is Dead/Very Hard/hardcoe you have no excuse beyond you not liking it.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:08 am

No I did'nt finish it because in the vault a speaker would'nt turn off even when turned of at the terminal. Sometimes, it did'nt even let me get to the terminal.
It is fragging broken.
A part that pc players on youtube clearly use godmode on.

That is why the damn things uncompletable.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:56 pm

I liked DM a lot.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:16 am

No I did'nt finish it because in the vault a speaker would'nt turn off even when turned of at the terminal. Sometimes, it did'nt even let me get to the terminal.
It is fragging broken.
A part that pc players on youtube clearly use godmode on.

That is why the damn things uncompletable.
Which terminal? I'd just like to know so I can find a solution. I've completed Dead Money three times on the PC without ever having to use the console, its certainly not broken for me or many other people here it seems. I just want to figure out if you either came across a bug or you missed something.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:14 pm

Which terminal? I'd just like to know so I can find a solution. I've completed Dead Money three times on the PC without ever having to use the console, its certainly not broken for me or many other people here it seems. I just want to figure out if you either came across a bug or you missed something.

Its probably the terminal in the room with the broken catwalks where you need to shoot a few speakers underneath them before you run for the terminal to turn off the unbreakable ones.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:14 am

Its probably the terminal in the room with the broken catwalks where you need to shoot a few speakers underneath them before you run for the terminal to turn off the unbreakable ones.
Ah yes, that was a tricky room when I first got DM. I do have to say though, seeing as I've beaten Dead Money like 3-4 times on PS3, there's no excuse for OP to not completing it, they probably just aren't great with timing their movements, which is key in the Vault.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:28 am

No I did'nt finish it because in the vault a speaker would'nt turn off even when turned of at the terminal. Sometimes, it did'nt even let me get to the terminal.
It is fragging broken.
A part that pc players on youtube clearly use godmode on.

That is why the damn things uncompletable.

I remember last time you made this arguement and said that EVERYBODY used god mode.

And I believe Lord Vukodlak may have solved your problem for you.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:49 am

Those speakers are such BS
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:39 pm

Yea, i like that song too. BTW my friend play some nice remixes on that style.
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