Topic Result Scripts

Post » Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:38 am

The question is basically this... Given the following dialogue structure

Topic A Choices:
Topic B Sets variable to 1
Topic C Sets variable to 2

Topic B Choices:
Topic D has response based on variable == 1

Topic C Choices:
Topic D has response based on variable == 2

Can I use the result script from either topic B or C's response to change the line used for Topic D? I remember somewhere hearing that this would not work since the script needs additional time between when the variable is set within Topic B or C and when topic D is queried for a response. Anyone know if this is true or not, and if there's any sort of work-around other than having more topics?
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Yama Pi
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Post » Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:16 am

Apparently variables require having atleast 1 topic choice between when the variable is set and when the response can be used. Does anyone know of a way around this problem other than duplicating topics?
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:03 am

Using empty stages instead might help. It doesn't even matter what stage you use if you use getstagedone as a condition. As most keep 9 numbers or at least left 4 stages open it should allow enough room to be used. If it's going to be used later it'll be wise to keep that variable along it, but the empty stage should get you past the first without having to end the convo or add another topic.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:12 pm

Using empty stages instead might help. It doesn't even matter what stage you use if you use getstagedone as a condition. As most keep 9 numbers or at least left 4 stages open it should allow enough room to be used. If it's going to be used later it'll be wise to keep that variable along it, but the empty stage should get you past the first without having to end the convo or add another topic.

That doesn't seem to work, and complicates things quite a bit as I have topics branching and re-joining at various points with different responses. Since once a stage is set, it can't be unset or moved back, this idea doesn't really work. Fortunately, it's work in a .esp, so duplicating topics 'shouldn't' be a major problem. Was hoping for an easier solution though, I'm running behind what I had planned already and I'd rather not just dump this whole part of the quest in favor of a much easier "screw it and fight" result (although most of them end that way).

Why couldn't gamesas have used a much more flexible dialogue system?
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Peter lopez
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