This video is for all the fans of Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls in general. From the creators at bethesda to the regular players as well as modders, artists who are inspired by skyrim. Skyrim DESTINIES portrays the life of three of my characters : Kalash'nri, Sithisian and Alpharis (my most important one^^). As skyrim is an adventure where the player can be whomever he wants, these are the destinies that one can experience.
And personnally, i like when dovakhin is friends with dragons, which are the most beautiful and respectful creatures of Skyrim. Maybe it is because of divinity 2, but I always hated having to slay a dragon, except for Alduin, this is why i don't show a fight against a dragon but rather a dragon and Dovakhin helping each other out.
Mods shown in this video are : Whistle, detailed cities, thunder sound, sun glare, night sky, realistic water textures, sky UI (the only real pc interface, go get it now !!!)...
Battles are played in master level, no god mode is enabled.
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