Excerpt from an early 4e alchemical thesis (Firsthold, Alino

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:07 am

Shell of Alchemical study




Common alchemical practice as dictated by Galerion's Second Law holds that the rate at which a solution reaches anuic equilibrium is inversely related to the concentration of daedrons within said solution. For much of the history of formal alchemical study it was accepted that the general concentration of daedrons in Mundus as a whole has rarely surpassed one kul per Planic Hectare- however, measurements taken following the Dagonic Uprising show that the Mythic Dawn's foolish and widespread use of semi-permanent liminal bridges has raised the daedron kularity in certain locations to upwards of one killakul per Planic Hectare. Celarus' Corollary of Diffusion suggests that over time the tendecy of daedron movement to favor chaos will, at a hypothetical point in the future, cause the kularity of daedrons throughout all of Mundus to reach uniformity. I need not say how such a large general increase in concentration would have a drastic effect on the rate at which alchemical processes proceed.

Academia's response to this potential crisis has been marked with feverish, inelegant, 'bootstrap' solutions involving such implausibilities as large scale aetherial 'Sithisinks', ostensibly literal acres of rendered magicka designed to trap daedrons in order to localize 'safe zones' of lower kularity so that solutions might then be prepped and buffered. This is the sort of mannish manner of thought that starts one on the path to doom-drumming. What is necessary is a long-term, responsible, and efficient process by which the Second Law can be placated. I am referring, of course, to the use of Ayliedoon catalysts.

The Heartland Elves were the undisputed masters of Dawnic geometry on the macro scale- White-Gold's potency is a testament to their ability to utilize the Ur-shapes of Tower and Wheel-but any use of these geometries in the micro or nano scales is unknown to the esteemed community within the crystal Sarcophocacoon. However, by manipulating terrestron bonding geometry, it is possible to form ‘nano-Tower’ structures that do not dissociate within aurbic solution. These Ur-structures, when subjected to minor magical current, direct the flow of daedrons, forming anuic pockets within the solution, allowing for alchemical processes to proceed at a much faster rate.

This technique is not without drawbacks-the amount of magicka required for the current is miniscule, but must be sustained for the duration of alchemical processes, and channeled in a very specific fashion. Several experimental alchemy ‘pedestals’ have been proposed, generally utilizing a soul-gem network to create an extremely efficient magicka transfer system. This apparatus is, unfortunately, far too cumbersome to be portable, and there does not seem to be any efficient method of downscaling. This is a reality that the alchemical world will have to cope with, unfortunately- projections given by the Order of Cystalline Mathologistophers suggest that in as few as 2 centuries the daedronic diffusion will have reached a degree such that standard mortar-and-pestle go-anywhere-grind-anything alchemy will become utterly impossible.

(Hipster credit where hipster credit was due: I had the idea to write this shortly before Haute's Dwemer Metal bombshell- though I did not start work until after reading his excellent writings. Obviously I borrow certain concepts from that source. Put on the backburner for a while, galvanized into finishing it due to the plate tectonic topic)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:20 pm

My favorite part was the nano tower structures
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:42 am

CHIMster acknowledged and confirmed.

Now let's see, I swore I had another pair of gold-and-ash wayfarers around here somewhere...
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:12 am


Dear author (Muertitanieou) ,

It is with regret that this reviewer writes to inform you that the Council cannot accept your thesis for publication at this time. With perfect frankness, your work simply does not meet the standards of scholarly rigor, integration, and professionalism to which the School of Evidential Research must uphold every article it presents in publication, especially in these times so riddled with shoddy authorship. Please accept this reviewer's heartfelt consolations in your disappointment.

As always, the Council does encourage you to revise your research and re-submit at a later date. It is this reviewer's professional opinion that you obtain an experienced mentor to review your paper and purge it of both its unfounded, sophomoric theories and its inventively misguided sub-par terminology, with which it is currently rife. Further, it is this reviewer’s opinion that your research should be subjected to rigorous foundational restructuring, as currently it exemplifies - not only a blatant ignorance of the basic principles of alchemical essential synthesis and an even more blatant neglect of the literature - but also an entirely repulsive absence of experimental support, which renders the whole a displeasing and incendiary morass of indiscriminate, orgiastic conceptual recombination. It is enough to make one wonder just what it is they teach you people, in Firsthold.

Liminal aperture induced daedron intoxication is indeed an established fact, but - while your presentation and anolysis of Galerion's First Law is not incorrect - your subsequent extrapolations from that point are both reactionary and hyperbolic, your proposed solution short-sighted and fundamentally ignorant. You present the existence of tower geometries at the femtot'ic scale as though it were a novel and revolutionary concept, when in fact it is nothing more than the fundamental dogma of illuminated alchemy, with which you clearly lack any familiarity: alchemical functionality stems directly from the purposeful re-apportionation of daedrae and mnemoli along the backbone of the aymseht-helices of the constituent inputs. All of essential synthesis is founded on this concept: that the alchemist modifies the femtot'ic Mundane Arrogance spirals of his substrate to create a product whose synthetic tortilic field is capable of warping the magicka streams of the consumer in a predictable manner, to induce some desired effect.

That cleared up, this reviewer is certain that you will immediately see the fallacy of your work. Daedrae are an integral part of alchemy, you must understand; helical daedration and the resultant mnemolic micro-shifts are fundamental to the craft. Galerion's Law is, in fact, irrelevant, as even if daedron concentrations did approximate levels which could hinder the identity stabilization of aymseht-helices, only practitioners of truly appalling incompetence could fail to accomodate for and, indeed, utilize the increased interference.

The Council expresses its deepest thanks and appreciation for your submission, and apologizes for the not insignificant interval between its reception and our review. You will understand, of course, that with the advent of the Erudition Inductive the volume of submissions has increased to a substantial and precarious degree, rendering us unable to review all works with the punctuality that is their due.

Wishing you greater wisdom in your future endeavors,

Publumwe Ilmion
Nib(en) Adjutant to the Sifting Chair
Honorary Member of the Council of the Temporal Matrix Press Most High (Hered.)
School of Evidential Research

(Please understand: I hold you in the highest regard, Muertos1130.)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:49 pm

Having received a rejection email from Stanford less than a week ago, that made me laugh far harder than it should have.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:33 am

Middas, the Fourth Day of Rain's Hand
The Guild of Metem-Hermetical Studies
Upvale-upon-Balfiera, High Rock

Most esteemed Muerotitanieou et al.,

Master Ilmion and colleagues are not incorrect to dismiss your theory as having been based on ill-founded fears regarding padhomation of the world in which we currently find ourselves. It is not my wish to redouble their criticisms upon you, however. I must also express my disdain for the academics who, under the facade of elitist utilitarian mythobabble seem to reduce the True Science of Alchemy to merely the synthesis of potions. Far too many have forgotten the chief end of the Great Work: "No less than the total transformation of man and the world, beginning with the dissolution of superfluous Matter so that desire and consciousness are free - new man, new woman, proud and free, happy to be! True life embodying pleasure, principle's noblest triumph over the cowering mendacity of bourgeois civilization."

I would not be right to call my self an alchemist - a student of Love - if I did not feel the need to assuage your fears, and the answer is quite simple: indeed one of those "basic principles" Master Ilmion accuses you of forgetting. The whole non/existence of the world is tied to its fundamental zero-sum of terrestron-chronicule exchange. This is not to say that the Oblivion Crisis was not a disaster and a tragedy, whose effects, including, but not limited to the increased levels of daedronic radiation are still felt today. However, at the risk of sounding presumptuous, I scarcely think that the fundaments of non/existence are in jeopardy.

Yr Hm Ser,
Béroalde Vidocq d'Anticlere
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:36 am

This thread is so full of win.

Bethesda, hire these people.
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