Miscarcand Cynosure
My dearest Sybil,
The following manuscript found me several months back in the hands of one of our more far-flung Eavesdroppers; he said he found it, sealed away in a glass cypher-box, in the solidified haemolymph of an enormous silver winged flutter-by which appeared to have been asphixiated by a particularly virulent divulgence of natural gas in one of the more badly scalded regions of the Mephalain Mountains. It has taken me some time to decipher the riddle – really, one would not expect a Dark Elf, of all wizards, to protect something with the name of a Cyrodiilic fruit – but once I did so, I found the text itself in unencoded Dunmeris, clear save for the author's horribly technical style. It seems our rivals in Morrowind were not entirely devastated by their Red Year, though it has caused them some problems – but you will see more on that below. It's just a pity the artifact mentioned toward the end was not retrieved with the text; I would give much to see whether the thing actually works as claimed.
No outright indication of the author's identity, or that of his project leader (his “Lord”) but at this point it's surprising enough to learn that any of the Telvanni are alive, much less hale enough to conduct research. Then again, research is probably the last thing those arthropophillic nimrods would give up, no matter the circumstances.
I think you'll enjoy this, dear, but if nothing else I hope you find it an interesting look into the current character of merish research; we've got them on the ropes! I've included a few notes on particularly interesting points to clarify a few issues; try not to let the unapproachability of the style deter you too much. This idiot clearly knows nothing about writing to be read. But what can you expect, of Telvanni?
In fondest humor,
paraGram Nigellus
Third Dean of Sibilance
My Lord will be pleased to learn that his postulations on the nature of trans-Nirnian aetherial bleed were indeed correct; morpholithic and Principal absorption are both insufficient to negate the continuous influx from so many impossipoint punctures. By standard subcutaneous lattice displacement anolysis (using soul starved andesitic glass and a saturation of principalized Mazken essence, for maximal volatility) the average rate of aetherial bombardment over the past pentaperiod was determined at 2.3x1032 +/- 0.12 gigavarls (GV) per euhedron, adjusted – painstakingly – for lunar interference. This means that within a five year period Nirn is exposed to approximately 1.22x1055 gigamnems (GM). This value is within the margin of error from the recorded standards, and should equate to nearly a tenfold increase in the Identity Digression coefficients of microform magicka streams, according to the equations reported by Reeck et al. nearly five hundred years ago.
This is not the case; mnemoli packets of all classes show variations of less than one half of a percentage point from curvature norms (although the anolysis was complicated by Red Tower’s upheaval; we were forced to resort to an atronach based arrogance node with a T factor of just 0.08. Our tests were conducted in vacua in the tortiLorkh field generated by a device of Dwemeri make; Dmnv. finally came in useful for something). Fluctuations in the growth of all relevant Daedric infinity series were determined indirectly by Arkayn tuning fork, and found to be insignificant when compared to the enormity of aetherial influx. While it was impossible to determine the rate of morpholithic capture, we made the reasonable assumption that it would, on average, be equal to the rate of morpholithic emancipation and thus irrelevant to our study.
Note the instrumentation – lattice displacement is, of course, standard procedure (although I have never heard of using anything besides bleached ebony as the matrix) but Dwemeri tortiLorkh fields? Arkayn tuning forks? Most atypical methodology. Also: such outdated sources!
These two avenues of investigation stymied, we turned our attention to My Lord's most insightful directive; entropicoil instigated seepage. While we could not measure the bleed in any quantitative way, the confirmation of spontaneous conceptual incarnation events in our initial experiments lends great credence to my Lord’s theory, as do our later results. Events were observed in a Dreamsleeve-sired entropicoil shell with a solvent principle rated at 12.3 HS (Hunger Salivants) and a chronoculic tick ratio of 1/0.8, and confirmed by quantitative manamissions spectroscopy. The spontaneity of these events proven, we turned our attention to the investigation and inception of particular species of the phenomena. As my Lord suggested, they are in fact immeasurable in their variety; we categorized twenty-seven (using mythopathic immateriamirr(or) artificery provided, again, by Dmnv.) in our anolysis.
These results support my Lord’s conclusion as to the causal agent of Mundane recombinant reincarnation; it is a simple result of exemplification-induced annex within the probability stew. It is evident, also, that herein lies the aetherial pressure valve for which my Lord wished us to search; conceptual incarnation events within the Dreamsleeve lead to the convective bleed of pattern-bound mnemoli packets into Oblivion (both to the Void and to aligned principalities) [Tayem]. Absolute and relative frequencies of events and event subclasses were determined through cryo-archive and hemi-crystalline projection of entropicoil chronocules [Lyr].
Fascinating. Be sure to comment on these passages in particular, love; I'm sure you will have plenty to say on this theory of the Dreamsleeve as a tube filled with some mythical, universal solvent. What implications does this and these 'exemplification events' have for the incarnation schemes of your necromonk companions in their silk-sleeved catacombs?
Proceeding to the crux of my Lord's circuitous purpose, we began investigation into the artificial induction of specific classes of these micro-mantle appropriation events and their transliminal functionality. Initially, our focus was the Kynematic spicule vector system presented recently in tympanum, facilitating the introduction of paedogenic soul-spores (aligned unto Apocrypha via mythosphere-directed sporophytic lignification) into our induced entropicoil environment. While this telescoping generation matrix did indeed provide some degree of long term essential fidelity against the solvent principle, and conceptual incarnation events were observed, the specificity of phenomena was insufficient for our purposes (Apocryphal annex occurring at approximately one sixteenth desirable frequencies) and this approach was deemed intractable [Vehk]. Apocrypha? My my, these Telvanni don't bandy about the bush. Remind me to tell Okurasha to look into the application of paedogenesis in those animunculic corbicules of hers.
Identifying inherent somatic deviation as the key factor of failure, we adopted a more conventional, plenum-centric approach. Foci were imbued with tempestronach souls (see [Vehk]) and enchanted to induce a skewed-probability sphere favoring the desired class of exemplification event and disfavoring all others. Plenum foci were subsequently anti-created back to principal identity through standard subgradient fusion, for alkahest immunity. Nothing surprising here; just repetitions of ancient and disastrous mistakes.
While initially promising, this method proved nonviable due to the staggering inputs required to overwhelm the disprobabilities associated with high fidelity entropicoil transport. While actual tests could not be performed, for obvious reasons, it was calculated that 3.2 x 1010 GM would be required to maintain acceptable fidelity with a confidence interval of 97%; this number decreases only slightly, to 2.7 x 1010 GM, if the interval is decreased to 94%, and anything lower is clearly unacceptable (calculations based on assumed transmission mana-mass of 62,691 KM – typical for a mortal soul - and an average entropicoil stint of 18,632 chronocules). Even sheathing transmissions in tertiary-grade Kehsperian psychotolipid (?) yielded just a 10% increase in efficiency, so my Lord will understand why our approach shifted yet again [Neht].
In order to bypass such debilitative mnemolic consumption, subsequent plenum foci opted for specialization, using ambient character emanations only to generate a weak graviMAR field for transmission mana corral, and fidelity instigation triggered to the inception of an acceptable exemplification event. Furthermore, reconstruction modules are keyed to high-fidelity reintegration only upon Mundane exemplification; Daedric (or other) exemplification induces reintegration in each subsection of identity at a 98% confidence interval; probability of recombinant functionality lies at 98.5%, but accuracy of recombination at just 62%. In this way we were able to eliminate over nine tenths of the magickal drain of such entropicoil-mediated exemplification-catalyzed transmissions. I find this highly unlikely. I'm sure you understand why.
Theory proven, production of a practical plenum for my Lord’s purposes in transliminal esoteric pillage (!!!) was begun. Architecture and engineering of the final product enclosed with this manuscript were largely routine, but it should be noted that obtainment of high purity Apocryphal sublimity for exemplification screening necessitated the direct intervention of the sentient Herma-Mora facet. To maintain obfuscation of purpose, a second pact was bartered with Vaermina; the Prince withheld in Quagmiric suspension the motivation assets of our procurement division until negotiations for the Herma-Mora’s blessing of the proto-plenum were successfully concluded under the false-non-false pretenses of our amnesia’d emissaries [Iya].
The integrated, principalized product is quite effective in its function, but care should be taken with its use; entities manifested post-Dreamsleeveish transmission will not be recognizable versions of the input personalities, per the effect of subsection restricted identity reintegration. Correspondingly, although reentry into the Mundus induces high fidelity identity reformation, any mnemolic acquisitions made while subsection-scrambled - including knowledge - will be disintegrated upon personality resumption.
Our experiments show that transliminal acquisitions made in this manner are accessible post-reintegration, but only by sub-particulate absorption and spontaneous mnemon aggregation; i.e., through unpredictable epiphanic eruption. If the key to the deletion of merish diapause is indeed to be found in Apocrypha, and without hermetic entanglement, as my Lord insists, it will only be employed by the pervasive, subconscious action-influence of the transliminal traveler who acquires it. Unless, of course, my Lord has in mind a method for the extraction of extremely detailed, dissociated mentalities from the reintegrated minds of investigators; I leave that to your illustrious and enigmatic purview. Now, this is purely ridiculous, I must say. What, they send an investigator to the stacks of Apocrypha through this exceedingly complex manipulation of Dreamsleeve mechanics, and when they get the poor fool back they can't even remember what they learned? Where do these idiots see a BENEFIT to this technique?
I will close with a request that my Lord deign to issue reinforcements to our terpitarium; the sinter shield. Is. CRACKING.
[Tayem] – Initial experiments support the assertion that the frequency of exemplification events does indeed correlate positively with mnemolic density of entropicoil absorptions, accounting further for any fluctuations in aetherial bombardment and in (d)aedric and morpholithic entrapment.
[Lyr] – http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b354/dinmenel/ProgressReportTableOne.jpg
[Vehk] – Useful results were obtained, however, from this avenue of investigation. Paedogenic soul-spores tend towards the exemplification of subjacent Daedric conceptualizations of a largely climatic character. Effectually, this phenomenon induces natality of specific classes of atronachesque metaforms, which has proved useful indeed for our terpitarium, as their largely un-etched mnemonae slates ease favorable identity induction once they have been retrieved from Oblivion (by plenumoculic focus on generation matrix remnants and, afterward, standard conjuration protocols). Well, this will certainly be useful. I'll set a few of my apprentices on this at once; we could use a few Atronachs that don't need the mental-mute treatment.
[Neht] – My Lord will say that a thicker shroud of psychotolipid could have provided sufficient protection against alkahestic action, but I counter with the simple fact that the neuroxylem spires would not have remained ignorant of our harvesting for long. We didn’t need that. Read: the Dunmer are still afraid of the Hist, after all this time.
[Iya] – No doubt my Lord will wish to know the terms of the pact; they turned out quite favorably, if I do say so myself. Luckily, the last apprentice my Lord issued us recently entered her first instar of quaternary phase pubimorphosis; we offered Vaermina ten years of wet dreams and night sweats, and the Prince accepted. The callousness of elves sickens me, as ever.
Good work, A. T. I’ll clean this up and see it presented at the next tympanum. Don’t worry; you’ll be listed as contributing author for this one. – A.
So what do you think, Sybil? Downright desperate, aren't they? I don't know whether or not they're correct in the assumption of elvish diapause in the mythic that underlies this paper, but for the Dunmer, at least – well, Mara knows they've got reason enough to believe it. I sent the Eavesdropper who found this straight back into the field; he wasn't happy about it, but if those damn elves are mucking about with the Gardener of Men we ought to be informed and prepared for when the shears come a-pruning.