I often find mysself assigning too many magick skills to a class. Hmm, Conjuration. That gives me bound weapons/armor and some creatures. Mysticism, well that gives me mark/Recall/Intervention for loot transporting and fast escapes. And dont forget Soul Trap.
One word: amulets. Get Amulet of Recall and Amulet of Almsivi/Divine Intervention somewhere, or enchant some equipment with those. You don't need Mark that often, and even if you do, only get it as a spell. Cast it when you're in no danger and fail as many times as you want!

No major drawbacks there.
What comes to Soul Trapping, you said you're too lazy to enchant, so, dah? Why take it?

Otherwise a melee weapon with a Soul Trap spell on strike could do it for you.
There's how you get rid of Mysticism.