I played this game on the xbox because my older pc couldn't handle it,now i got back to pc gaming when i built a new rig and man does this game look better than i remember, sure the characters when compared to Skyrim are not that great but the overall sensation this game transmits is very nice, playing on Ultra is just brilliant, surely there are better looking games out there like Skyrim but for some reason Oblivion makes me all warm inside ehehe.
In relation to other aspects of the game to be honest i can't find a single faction quest that is better in Skyrim, i think that the Mages guild, Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood are more fleshed out in Oblivion and give a great sensation of accomplishment.Love both games but i don't know if it is nostalgia or something but i'm really really enjoying playing OB, besides first time trying a Mage build in this game.