Windows 7 x64
Nvidia Geforce 9200
AMD Athlon II 240e (2.40ghz)
Not a great PC, but surprisingly it ran awesome at 1600x900 high graphics settings.
Shut it down for the night and went back the next evening to play. Started Oblivion as soon as my PC rebooted, so nothing changed systemwise. All of a sudden, 1fps!!!! Then after about 1 minute of in-game time it crashes to the desktop with no error report. Just Oblivion has crashed and needs to be closed.
Uninstalled, reinstalled, defragged, disk cleanup, hell I'm half tempted to wipe my whole computer to try and fix this damn thing that's how desperate I am!
Here's a video of me showing exactly what is going on:
Removed Link Inappropriate Language
Please help me out! I was enjoying it so much, and I HATE rpg games, so that's saying something.
Leave me a comment/message either here or my youtube, preferably my youtube because I am on it non-stop.
Thanks so much for taking the time to assist me.