I've noticed some problems with having certain mods activated at the beginning of a new game. Zumb's Lockpicking Mod and the Ring of Console both make the game crash right after creating your character, probably because they add something to your inventory. SDR also makes the game crash after character creation only a little later. It's very annoying if you spend a lot of time in character creation only to have your game crash. I thought I should bring this up since I don't see it mentioned anywhere.
I was able to get Nehrim installed and working. With only SDR installed plus the basic Nerhim .esps/.esms, I had no problems creating a character and sneaking around in the opening mines. No crashes at all. So, I apologize, but since I can't recreate the problem, it's either another mod causing it, some weird installation issue, or perhaps another Nehrim mod that is conflicting with SDR that I have not been made aware of. If you can replicate the problem, and provide screen shots and error messages (if any) I am happy to investigate some more.