I'm also a PS3 user and have the vanilla version. Up until the past couple of months I wondered what all the fuss was about regarding the PS3 version of this great game. I played through the entire main quest and almost every side quest (again, base game, no DLC), racked up over 100 hours and could count the number of freezes on one hand. It was great.
Then, having completed the main quests, I downloaded Broken Steel, The Pitt and Point Lookout from the PSN store. In that order. The freezes are much more common now. In my first 30 mins of play tonight I had two freezes requiring a hard console reset. However, the past two hours have been fine. You can't predict when it will happen.

Currently my latest save game file is 205 hours (I know). My game save file is 13MB. I've completed nearly all quests and can guarantee at least two or three freezes in any evening. Also, I've always used autosave, right from the beginning. Now, it might be coincidence, but reading this, and from what I've seen and read, we can consider the following possibilities -
- I downloaded the DLC as my game save file was getting too large anyway. So either the DLC for PS3 is basically bugged, or I happened to download them as the game was becoming more buggy anyway.
- I've read a lot about ash/goo piles in other forums and I don't know if this is a genuine problem, or an old wives' tale. I've used energy weapons a lot, pretty much throughout levels 10-20, so there are a lot of ash/goo piles in my game. The theory is that this increases the game save file, which in turn causes crashes. I'm not sure I believe that this is a big problem, but as someone who has used energy weapons a lot, I can't say for sure.
What we need is more data. We need someone who has done the following things, preferably at 100+ hours -
- Played through the entire game with just small guns/melee. Therefore no ash/goo piles.
- Someone who has not used autosave.
- ....and done the above both with and without DLC installed, with a 10MB+ game save file and 100+ hours.