Yep. Been playing MW and OB. With MW, continuing my main to finish Bloodmoon, and with OB, switching between the MQ guy and the adventurer.
Morrowind does require some commitment and is a slower game than MW. But it's like fine wine/beer, it needs to be enjoyed slowly and savored, especially when you install mods.
I have a few mods installed, nothing really game changing though. Darker Morrowind, Better Bodies/Faces,(I think thats what they are called - make the game look a little bit sharper) then one that lets me hire a bunch of Mercs from Vivec but they all require I be a higher level and have more gold than I currently have.
But overall I'm enjoying it. Kind of annoying when I have to travel across the world for a Fighter's Guild mission, only to return to the guy who gave it to me and receive another one to go RIGHT BESIDE where the first one was. At least I figured out the boat, Mage's Guild, and giant walky thingie routes. Although I always stop playing for a few weeks, come back, and completely forget what I was doing and where to turn in a quest due to the minimalist and poorly organized journal.
Any good mods you can recommend? (Off-topic I guess but you would be the people to ask)
And any for Oblivion? I bought that game twice - once full price when it came out for xbox, and again a few months ago on Steam for like 10 bucks since my xbox collects dust nowadays. I wanted to get it on PC so I could mod the hell out of it and refresh my experience. OOO looks cool but I haven't had the balls to go for it yet